3. The Train-Wreck of Wren Sommers.

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03 // The Train-Wreck of Wren Sommers.

W r e n

Lydia Martin, as it turns out, was one of the sweetest people I had yet to meet in this world. I wasn't exactly sure at first, I mean, she did pull me into an empty classroom and told me she knew something about myself that I hadn't told anybody. But past all the bluntness, I've been able to see the love and care she has for her friends. I even envied it.

"Alright, you know the drill. Wait here until I deal with my friends," Lydia sent a small smile my way before leaving me alone behind a school bus. I knew she wasn't going far, she was meeting her friends around the other side, but that didn't stop the uneasy feeling rising in my stomach. I've been paranoid everywhere lately, and Lydia has become one of the few people I trust. To say I've been on edge has to be the understatement of the century. When my history teacher, Mr Yukimira said he had to see me after class, I nearly fainted then and there. After I learned he was just really impressed with my history grades, and gave me extra work to help.

I accepted, but screamed at myself on the inside. I've been getting about an hour of sleep every night and I just accepted more freaking work to focus on.

Wren, sometimes you're so, flapping stupid.

I sighed, resting my head back on the back of the bus. I made the mistake of closing my eyes, tired from the day already, but was met with a piercingly deep scream that no one else could hear.

Because it probably hasn't happened yet.

I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, thinking that would help. It didn't. I brought my hands up to my head, trying anything to shake the awful images filling my head. As I heard Lydia talking closeby, something made me feel that her idea wasn't going to end well, all because I had a strong feeling of who the throaty scream belonged to.



"So, you're going to ask out a freshman?" I sighed as I heard Stiles ask, because I knew it wouldn't be Lydia asking the question.

And everybody knows that Wren Sommers isn't good with social interactions.

I was so focused on what I would be gaining from this situation - Lydia's help - that I didn't even think about the actual mission - invite Liam to a 'party'. The party wasn't an actual party, if you didn't pick that up, it was all completely bogus.

Deep breaths, Wren. Live like a normal teenager for once.

I mentally scoffed at that; I was far from the definition of normal.

"Oh no, I'm done with teenage boys, but," I was tempted to pull away as I felt Lydia tug me from behind the big bus. "I know someone who really isn't."

"Oh God, that's me, isn't it?" I began rambling, the awkwardness that is me deciding to appear now, in front of Lydia's friends. Lydia raised an eyebrow at me, an amused look plastered to her face. "Yeah, it's me."

"Yes you," Lydia chuckled, and even Stiles gave an approving look to this plan. My eyes widened as I saw the girl-who-I-should-know-but-really-don't, standing beside him.

"Wren, meet Malia, Kira and you know Scott and Stiles already." Malia. The name came as no sudden significance to me, but it still made my stomach churn hearing it.

"Look, I hate, uh, ruining master plans and all, but Liam and I are both freshman. We can't drive," I pointed out as the flaw popped into my head. Maybe they'll see I was a bad choice, and there was really no need to get me to do something I'll probably find a way screw up anyway.

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