Day 11 (part 4)

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"OK tiny bye" ➡ Jeonghan

Outside the building

"Oh it's raining shoot I forgot my umbrella" She said and call his brother "Pork chop it's raining can I please barrow a umbrella I forgot it at our house" And all of a sudden Jisoo is outside carrying a umbrella when he saw Seungmin and He give her the umbrella to barrow "here take my umbrella make sure you give it back tomorrow at the park I'll chat you if I'm there" He said

"But oppa I know your going somewhere" Seungmin said with a sad tone

"No I am not going anywhere but here or you want me to follow you at home" Joshua said while laughing

"What so funny? Ok if you want to" Seungmin answered

"Let's go then" ➡ Jisoo

"Hey sis!" Jeonghan shouted and saw the two "You know Jisoo my sister have a crush on you" He added

"Hyung!" *makes a angry face looking at his older brother*
➡ Seungmin

"I know and I----" Jisoo was cut of by Seungmin

"Hyung we have to go"
➡ Seungmin

"You mean you and Joshua?"
(Jisoo's English name Joshua) Jeonghan was surprised when she said that

"Yes why if mother said who is he I will say that he is my boyfriend"
Seungmin is proud to say those words "we're going now bye hyung" She added

To be continued....

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