Chapter Five | Woman

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Chapter Five | Woman

The Neighborhood | Dangerous ft YG


| Few hours later |

We've driven for a while each of us taking turns behind the wheel. It was Brennen and Jake's turn to sit up front. It was about 3:15am. Colby and I were laying down in the backseat. His arms were around my waist whilst he slept. I could hear his faint snores in my ear. I was playing with his rings while I was trying to fall asleep again.

The music was playing in the background. Brennen had his left hand on the steering wheel and his right hand playing with his facial hair. Jake was laying back in the seat, he's most likely asleep. I moved slightly and felt Colby tightened his grip around me. He nuzzled his head in my neck.

The radio turned on for a second, I sat up on my elbow. I don't know if my mind and ears are playing tricks on me but I could have sworn I heard something, like someone talking, maybe? My stomach turned and not in a good way.

"Hold on go back to the radio." I told Brennen. He jumped a little as I spoke.

"You scared the shit out of me." Brennen moved his hand over his chest seeing that I had scared him.

"Go back to the radio station." I cut him off as i moved to get something from any of the stations. Which just turned to static, that was all that was heard.

"Wait!" Jake jumped up and move the dial himself since he caught something. I jumped a little by his voice.

"Any surviors out there please come" A woman said, my heart dropped. I didn't catch what was said over the radio. All I know was that I didn't like it.

I had a bad feeling.

Just hearing that made every bone in my body hurt and give me the wrong vibes.


We pulled into a building, but we of course checked each room and made sure no one or thing was in here. We all were in the front of the building some of us were moving stuff against all the windows and doors so you can only enter from one side. Horrible idea, i know.. we're only staying here for a few nights then, we'll be on our way to Jersey.

"I don't like the sound of that." Kat said as we told everyone about what had happened about the radio. It was about 6 or 7 in the morning. All of us were tired as hell.

"Yeah I agree. It could be a trap." Jayde nods her head. The guys were around the girls and I. Colby was by my side with his arms crossed.

"This is tough, cause we don't know those people." Colby bit his lip his voice was raspy and deep.

"They could kill us." Corey had his eyes widened. Devyn was by his side, clinging onto his arm.

"Yeah I don't think we should go there." Javi nods his head.

"Oh come on, we'll light that bitch up if they try some." Justin laughs as he made gunshot sounds with his mouth. Isaiah laughs as he shook his head.

"No!" I looked at him shaking my head at him. He has to be joking. There's no way he's serious.

"We don't know what those people are capable of." Brennen stepped up.

"Chill out pretty boy, I was kidding." Justin makes a remark. Brennen rolled his eyes at Justin's comment.

"No you weren't." Brennen clapped back with a glare as Justin moved foward. I of course stepped up not wanting anyone to fight.

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