parts 3 *true ending*

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(The bigging is the same)

Y/Ns p.o.v
Zalgo appeared and everyone started fighting. Everyone was getting badly hurt but they keeped going, fighting, they were determined!

~after a couple hours of fighting~

After a couple of hours of fighting zalgo finally left badly hurt but in the fight we lost liu he sacrificed himself for jeff. They started to his funeral,Y/N and jeff crying their eyes out with LJ comforting him and toby comforting Y/N. We played his favorite song (song above) after the funeral Y/N or jeff didnt eat or drink anything. Untell Y/N passed out from weakness and got into a coma. Jeff just got worst he stayed in his room and started cutting as he cried. He cut to deep and passed out to a coma and died a couple days later as Y/N was still in a coma. After a couple years later Y/N  died in her coma. There was no happy ending at all to this.

Lifes a bitch and it takes people's lives so learn something from this that life has no happy ending.

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