September 2nd, 2066

11 6 2

A reconnaissance team just returned to Cuauhtémoc. I wasn't aware that we had a team sent out, so they must have received their assignment prior to my arrival. They entered through the gate that I was guarding. They all seemed pretty beaten and at least two of the six members were severely wounded. The wounded team members were escorted to our medical facility while the remaining four went to meet with the highest-ranking officer in the city: General Morrison.

I've been wondering what they found while they were out there. A few of the soldiers have said that the team was sent to a plant in the Midwest where the Renewer gas is manufactured. Their mission was to find a weakness in the facility that could be exploited: a way to permanently end the production of Renewer gas without releasing it into the atmosphere. Using the information gathered by the first team, a second, larger team was going to be sent to destroy the manufacturing plant. With some team members returning wounded, however, it seems the mission didn't quite go as planned--they were likely discovered by Perfectionist soldiers.

After the return of the reconnaissance team, the mood has shifted throughout Cuauhtémoc. Everyone seems nervous, and I think I know why: many of us may be on our way into the United States. Even if the team was discovered while on assignment, their information could still be viable, which means that the next step is sending a team into enemy territory to eliminate the manufacturing facility.

I'm probably going to end up being part of that particular team. I don't know if this is a bad thing or a good thing. I've made no progress toward reaching Australia by staying in Cuauhtémoc, but I don't see how traveling into dangerous territory like the United States is going to help me get to Sara, either. All things considered, I'm not certain what I want. Am I hoping to be sent on the mission or do I want to remain in this city?

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