Chapter 21

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Due to the loud ruckus that was happening in the mid-afternoon, it caught a lot of passerby's attention as they began to rush towards the scene causing a crowd to soon to gather.

All you could see was all these people and their beasts surrounding the individuals in the middle that was causing the ruckus, patiently anticipating and watching the individuals very next move.

Thankfully for Ming, he bagged a good spot at the front as he came on time when the scene had just started, not only that but the surrounding crowd also helped him quite a bit by making some way and room for him to go through, so thank the lord.

As he stood at the front Ming than stared upon the scene with curiosity within his eyes, waiting upon the individuals next action.

Currently, there in the middle of the crowd stood a bulky looking man with a rather ugly looking serpent beast, he was accompanied with another two men that stood right behind him.

Ming guessed that those 2 men behind the guy were possibly his lackeys as they look up to the person in front of them with respect and obviously that's a rather dead giveaway.

Right now the three men seem to be having a standoff between a poor old lady who looked quite distressed about the faceoff as her face showed signs of nervousness.

Seeing the poor lady quite distress and barely could stand any longer, Ming so badly wanted to run to her side and help her but in the end, he decided to wait for a bit and observe.

After all, how could he even assist her if he doesn't know about the situation by hand at all, so it's better for him to stay put and not make a fool of himself and patiently wait for the next move.

"Ha, you want one more week? What do you think this is a charity! If you can't pay up your due then I would just take your shop, " the man yelled loudly towards to old lady.

"Please, please anything but that! This store is my daughter and I only source of living. I beg you just one more week, this old lady will have it by then," the old lady cried sorrowfully while falling to the floor bowing towards the man continuously.

"Heh, since this kind lord is generous today I could let you off this time and not take your store but in exchange, you'll have to..." the man then smirked widely with his arms across as he stared down the poor old lady.

"Yes anything my lord please, " the lady hurriedly spoke as she patiently waited for the man next words. All you could see was hope and happiness in her eyes, hoping there was another way for her to still keep her family only source of income.

"You'll have to give me your daughter," the man then laughed with his lackeys.

"NO!! Please, anything besides that! She's my one and only daughter please lord please...anything besides my precious daughter," Kowtowing her head profusely, hitting the dirt floors causing a wound to soon open on her forehead the old lady was reduced in tears.

She begged and begged on the floor, hoping the lord could give her another way to keep her store without wedding her daughter off, after all her precious child was the only family relative she had, both relying on one another since the day she was born.

Her husband left with another woman due to the lady had a higher family status, at the time she was pregnant and didn't know how to live on, the only reason she was still alive as of today is because of her daughter, the only motivation and strength that kept her going until now.

She couldn't live herself if she made Fen'er be with someone she doesn't love just for the sake of saving the store, she couldn't bear it at all.

"Ahh poor old lady Li."

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