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Mystery Shack

Ford was, in fact, freaking out.

His nephew was a demon.
His nephew was gay.
His nephew was infiltrating a cult.

That's what he had gathered from their conversation the previous night. But now the twins and all of their friends were missing.

Stan was doing his best to hold himself together but was far more worried than Ford was.

His family was his everything.

Ford and Stan trusted these kids and decided to give it one more day before contacting the police.

If they contacted police they'd have to explain everything weird going on. Maybe.

But they'd still have to explain the twins-sharing-one-identity thing.

Yeah. Not fun.

The Mystery Shack was closed that day - something not done even on weekends.

Wendy and Soos had come into work that day to find that it was closed and immediately knew something was wrong.

Ford explained it to them (Stanley was far too emotional at this point) and they insisted on helping.

So a plan was formed.

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