20- Ain't The Same

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Ryuu POV

Katsuki's gotten worst than I thought, "You need to learn to work in a team, Katsuki." I say from above them. "Shut up Dragon bitch."

3rd Person POV

That shocked everyone, Ryuu is the only person Bakugou calls by their actual name. Ryuu was the most in shock, she hadn't called her a name in over 11 years. It hurt her, very bad. It broke her heart, she had grown to have a crush on the angry hedgehog.

Ryuu POV

My eyes widen, I can feel tears. I land, and walk over to that dumbass. I slap him, "Jackass." I say.

Katsuki POV

My little dragon slaps me, wait what did I just do? "Jackass." She says, tears very evident. She prepares to fly off, when a large gust of wind is sent at us. I go to grab her, but she flies away. "Come back little dragon." I murmur.

-Time Skip-

We find Ryuu again, she looks at us. "Why did you leave me alone?" She asks, huh?

-Time Skip & Ryuu's POV-

"Ryuu, now!" Katsuki yells, I go to grab my best friends. When All Might punches me into a building, I baring my arms in front of me, and harden my scales. It didn't cause much damage, but still made them a bit bloody.

-Time Skip-

I fly out the gate with them.

-Time Skip & Katsuki's POV-

"Ryuu." I say, she looks at me. "What?" She asks, I bring her into a hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you that, my rage just got to my head." I say, "It's alright Katsuki, I know you have anger issues." She says.

I blush slightly, and look away. "I don't have anger issues..." I mutter, she looks up at me with her beautiful light purple eyes after I let go of her. "Sure..." She says with a smug grin.

Aizawa POV

Seems like Bakugou has a soft spot for Ryuu, I notice the blush on his face. I grin smugly, no, correction, he likes her.

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