Past Of The Relics

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Boruto didn't think his day could be more boring. He Inojin and Chocho had been looking at crime sites- if you could even call them that- all day!

And they had found absolutely positively- NOTHING. Zip. Nadda. Nope. Uhhuh. Bop. Bip. NOTHING. Z. E. R. O. What does that spell kids? The number of things that they found that's what.

Not to even mention the fact that Chocho stopped every thirty minutes to stuff her face with a new flavor of chips. Inojin however seemed to be enjoying Boruto's frustration.
It was about time to revenue with the others when the other group came running at them. Sarada was holding a book in her hand like it was her life force.

Without a word Sarada pulled Boruto's shirt and forcefully pulled him to the apartment building they would be staying at. The others trailed behind them. "Hey what's your problem, ttebasa?!"
Sarada gave him the infamous Uchiha glare shutting the Uzumaki boy up.

When they all were in the apartment complex it was a little past midnight.
Chocho yawned. Therefore making everyone else yawn.

Sarada's eyes widened as Shikadai stalked towards a bed. Sarada grabbed him by his shirt collar and pushed him on a chair making the Nara say "tsch troublesome women, wait actually uncle choji is more feminine and pretty than you'd ever hope to be". If Shikadai had inherited anything from his mother it was how to roast people.

Sarada  made a face that meant Shikadai's future wasn't looking bright. And he would have been a little Nara pancake if Mitsuki hadn't stepped in between them" we should show the others the book, am i right?"

Not waiting for a answer Mitsuki snatched the book that was under Sarada's arm." This is a legend about the dragon crystals " he showed it to the others. The book had a black shiny color like it was made out of obsidian and was etched in thick gold plates in the middle was a mosaic painting of ten light blue crystals there was nothing in the painting to show the scale of the crystals though.

The crystals were a light blue color. They glowed in the darkness that surrounded them and there was a silhouette of a dragon, on it's right lower forearm was a beautiful tattoo the tattoo said dragon lord in Japanese, even though it was just letters it was drawn a certain way that looked magnificent.

The tattoo radiated power and demanded respect like Kage robes. This tattoo was a symbol of power but if possible on a even higher scale of power than that of the Kage robes.

Eager the leaf ninja opened the book. Sarada began reading.

"In the beginning of time there were many worlds. Perhaps the most powerful of these worlds is the world from which powerful beasts roam. They spend their time their forever unless a shinobi summons them. These great animals are of mostly of gigantic size. But there is one species that towers over the others. The dragons.

The dragons have a king Thermos. Thermos created the ten dragon crystals. The dragon crystals can only be wielded by their champions. The champions are called dragon lords. One of the many powers of the dragon crystals is too go to alternate realities.

The shinobi world is one of these realities . Because of the dragon crystals no one can summon a dragon... almost no one. If you are proven worthy you can weild one of the dragon crystals a, become a champion and weild the power of a dragon lord. Long ago there was a prophecy. That a evil enemy would someday rise from the blood of the white ones and reck havoc to the lands and killing all of the greatest heroes. But the prophecy also said that if Thermos were to give the ten dragon crystals to the a champion and that from an evil deed would arise great heros and they would become the dragons champion.

We did some digging and found out that the "dragon crystals were actually a thing, according to fact they we're found in the mines here in the land of ash. Back to when they great lands weren't even founded yet, 5 of the crystals were destroyed by a angry ex shinobi from the land of ash.

A decade later once the great villages were founded the crystals were distributed to the first Hokages of the 5 great shinobi nations as a gift.

One dragon crystal went to the leader of the leaf village the first Hokage and the other were intrusted with the other great villages.

As time went by four of the great villages gave the crystals to the vilage in ash -the leaf village apparently kept their crystal - because they thought that they're ancestors were telling folk tales, and the crystals were just making them look bad. And now the 4 great dragon crystals is kept hidden and safe in the village in ash."

"Until now" said Inojin.

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