Hunting Party

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November 8th, 2038
AM 09:40:56

The taxi's engine hummed, splitting through the blizzard outside like a wedge on wheels.

Visibility was shit.  The cold was shit.  Your mood was shit.

Everything sucked.

You went to take a sip from your thermos, and the car hit a bump.  Coffee burned your lips, your chest – you jumped, dropping the stupid thing altogether.

And Connor caught it.

Okay, not everything sucked.

He chuckled as he handed it to you, "Careful."

"Thanks..." You mumbled, "You know, Chris always says: 'It's time to pack it in and call it a day when you start spilling the 'lifeblood.'"

You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, drinking out of your travel mug with a stronger grip.

"If that were true, you'd be unemployed for quite some time." Connor relaxed in his seat, "You're very clumsy."

"Hah!  Shut up."

He grinned wide before returning to his window, the white from the snow washing the color from his face.

You leaned in the corner, balanced your ankle on your knee, and thumbed through your phone; thermos still in a vice.


Hank Anderson

Today 09:41

You almost here?  I wanna get this over with.

To: Hank Anderson

Yeah, we're on our way.  Trust me, so do I.

Message Sent

Chris Miller

Today 09:22

To: Chris Miller

What are you whining about?

Message Sent

Chris Miller

Today 09:42

Been stuck working with Detective Douche Rocket since you left...

Chris Miller

Today 09:43


Chris Miller

Today 09:43

To: Chris Miller


Message Sent

Chris Miller

Today 09:44

I'm glad you're enjoying my suffering...DICK.

To: Chris Miller

And your discovery of emojis, yes.  Lemme guess, he showed you those?

Message Sent

Chris Miller

Today 09:44

Yeah, made me feel real old.  Speaking of which, I gtg. DDR is blasting off again...

To: Chris Miller

Message Sent

Gavin Reed

Today 08:36

To: Gavin Reed

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