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He didn't verbally answered; Nick just continued to make his way to the couch with a blanket wrapped around him as if he were a burrito, grunting as he curled up on the couch, face stuffed into the back cushion to block out light.

Dan chuckled amusedly, and if the fifteen year old wasn't currently feeling like death he would have glared at him. But because he felt like death, he let out a whining noise and moved the blanket over his head, remembering only bits and pieces of the party at Ethan's and the entire walk home with Spider-Man, including the sunrise which did in fact cheer him up, though now Nick's moping again because of how much fun he had even though he was still drunk at five or six in the morning. He missed Peter, he really did, but, in his mind at least, they will never get back together.

"Well, I got lunch – breakfast in your case," Dan said. He wasn't mad about Nick getting drunk, shockingly. When Spider-Man and Nick got to his house sometime after six o'clock, Dan was surprisingly awake at that time already, and had caught sight of the red and blue hero try and help a slightly more sober Nick sneak into his room. It didn't work out well because Nick was refusing help as he failed to climb up to his window. After Dan got Nick inside, Spider-Man left, and Nick passed out in his room, waking up just passed noon.

Nick grunted out a response, and Dan just quietly left to get the boy some water and medicine. Nick took in gratefully, and as his dad ate lunch, he laid on the couch as Brooklyn Nine-Nine played on the TV. Once his headache went away for the most part, he got a few pieces of the pizza his dad ordered and went back to watching TV.

Eventually Dan left to go buy groceries and other things so they would have something for dinner, and that just left Nick to sit by himself in the living room as he held his phone in hand, wondering if he should text Olivia about what she told him the night before or whether or not he should send Peter a text thanking him (again) for walking him home; he ignored Richie's texts, asking how hanging out with Spider-Man went, and went to Tumblr as Jake Peralta talked with Amy Santiago on the TV screen.

He was ready to have some alone time, to hate himself for drinking so much and to try and remember if he did anything embarrassing at Ethan's party. But then the door bell rang right when the next episode of B99 started. Nick groaned and pushed himself from the couch, grabbing the baseball bat from the hallway closet just incase, and went to the door. He looked through the peep hole and set the baseball bat down at not seeing a murderous stranger, but quickly felt confusion fill him. He opened the door and stared at Anita.

Anita had been pacing back and forth; her short hair was tucked under a backwards baseball cap and she had on a white tank top that was somewhat see through so it wasn't hard to spot the bright green bra, matched with My Little Pony pajama shorts and black converse. It was an interesting look, Nick had to admit, and one he never had thought of Anita wearing in public. Yet here the older teen was, in just that, pacing and looking panicked. She stopped pacing, though, at noticing the door was opened and looked straight at Nick.

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