Stress Relief [M]

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It's exactly what you think it is, I promise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Jungkook stop doing that!!" Jimin hissed

"Yeah you're screwing up the whole choreography" Hoseok added, clearly tired and stressed

"Honesty we just want to go home!! Why cant you just do this right?!" Jimin growled as he took a step towards the younger

For most of the day, Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok had bee practicing their choreography for DNA, as they had to perform it this comeback (again). Jungkook had been having an extreme amount of trouble doing the part he shares with Taehyung. Even though he'd practiced it multiple times, and performed it before perfectly, he just couldn't get the foot steps right. He kept tripping over his own feet, and his hyungs had begun to get very annoyed at him.

"I-Im sorry guys... I guess I'm just stressed" Jungkook said, which was honestly true. He hadn't gotten a full nights sleep in days, and it was clearly starting to show in his physical being.

The pink haired boy had gotten thinner, and he had big rings under his eyes. His moves were sluggish, and he barely ate. Namjoon and Taehyung could clearly tell something was up, they even asked about it, but Jungkook had shot them down saying 'Don't worry I'm fine'.

Hoseok rolled his eyes "Good God, Kook. I don't care how stressed you are, Taehyung has done this dance multiple times. You're part of the dance line and haven't done it correctly once today. You wouldn't want to be replaced by Taehyung would you?"

Jungkook shook his head "N-No hyung"

"The lets go!! Start again, Jimin voice each step while I do Tae's part" Hoseok ordered, his voice strained

Jimin nodded "Yes sir"

Jimin clicked the music and the pair began doing the dance once again. Jungkook was able to start properly, but ended up tripping over Hoseok's left foot and tumbled onto his stomach, wincing slightly at the force of the fall. Hoseok growled, like literally growled at Jungkook and stomped out of the practice room fuming.

Jimin stopped the music and turned to Jungkook "Go home and rest" he hissed "You clearly need it"

Jungkook sat up and watched with tired eyes as Jimin stormed away, a bit less angry than Hoseok had been. The younger let out a deep, long sigh and stood to walk over to his bag. Jungkook took out another water bottle (as his other was empty) and drank half of it in only a few moments. He screwed the cap back on and leaned against the warm glass of the practice room, let his head roll back until it to thumped against the clear surface.

Being left alone gave time for Jungkook to think, and he basically sat there for a good 10 minutes with 'what-if' questions running through his head. Like what if he never got the dance down? What if he lets down his hyungs at their next concert? What if Taehyung though he was stupid because he wasn't learning the dance? What if he was kicked out of the dance line?

All of a sudden Jungkook broke down, he let out loud sobs and his body shook. He buried his face in his knees and just let his emotions out. His warm tears soaked his sweat pants and a few dripped own his chin and onto the floor.

"Kookie?" Taehyung's deep voice sounded from outside the training room, causing Jungkook to jerk up

"I-Im in here hyung!!" Jungkook yelled back, trying to keep his voice from cracking as he wiped his tears

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