Wednesday Week 2

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A/N We both want to apologize for the lack of updates. Last week we decided to take a small break due to person issues. It feels like we haven't updated in so long and we're sorry. We're just VERY busy people which is why this chapter is also late. We hope you understand! 

Also I just want to point out the fact that I do indeed have a co-author. She is most of the brains behind this fic and it would not be funny without her. She comments on here a lot and thanks you guys and works very hard. I just wanted to say this because it seems like a good majority of the readers think I'm the only author.  It's a little sad to see that she gets no recognition for writing the fic so I just wanted to point it out. 

Wednesday 4:20 AM

[Portable Charger 4:20 AM] w e e d

[Portable Charger 4:20 AM]

k a t s u c c i b a k u g o u

[Bakubaby 4:21 AM] seriously do you ever shut the fuck up

[Portable Charger 4:21 AM] it's the internal clock. You can't stop it.

[Bakubaby 4:21 AM] oh I'll sure as hell make it stop

[Portable Charger 4:21 AM] well that doesn't sound inviting

[Uranus 4:21 AM] Kaminari you are a great friend and everything and I'm really glad we met but why are you doing this to us

[Portable Charger 4:21 AM] because 4:20 loves everyone

[Bakubaby 4:21 AM] well I don't fucking love 4:20

[Portable Charger 4:21 AM] he takes offense to that

[Portable Charger 4:21 AM] it's okay 4:20. At least I love you.

[Uranus 4:21 AM] Kaminari please sleep you've actually lost your mind

[Portable Charger 4:22 AM] I can't lose my mind silly goose it's in my h e a d

[Eijirou OwO 4:22 AM] okay but dude this is very much of a dick move because there's no need to text the group chat

[Uranus 4:22 AM] Kaminari don't do this to yourself

[Portable Charger 4:22 AM] you are all jealous of my internal clock

[2007 emo 4:22 AM] internal clout

[Bakubaby 4:22 AM] FUCKING SLEEP NOW

[Portable Charger 4:22 AM] internal clock says no

[Icy Hoe 4:22 AM] if any of you assholes wake up Momo I'm personally going down to your rooms and freezing you myself and sticking you in the cafeteria freezer

[Eijirou OwO 4:22 AM] kill kaminari if you're going to kill anyone. This is his fault

[Portable Charger 4:22 AM] listen up assholes the internal clock does what it wants I'm just its pawn in this sick game of life

[Invisalign 4:22 AM] wouldn't an easy solution to this be to just not respond to kaminari so that way there isnt a spam of messages at 4:20 AM waking everyone up

[Portable Charger 4:22 AM] idk man sounds risky

[2007 emo 4:22 AM] us using our heads? Don't think so.

[Invisalign 4:22 AM] if ojirou wakes up i'm the first one to die so everyone just shut the fuck up before i force everyone to

[Icy Hoe 4:22 AM] I'm not afraid to put everyone here in a fucking coma

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