twelve | 12

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Before I start, the gif...I'm just...bye.

Hiya lovelies! You all might be thinking, "Where tf is S? Because this is absolutely ridiculous." Soz, all! I've been literally everywhere with my entire body and thoughts. 

But I have good news, I'm FINALLY back!!! 

My trip was seriously all over the place. There were definitely some memorable moments, I'll share one story with you. It's not long, I swear. I was making breakfast one morning, actually, I was cutting a bagel...and well, I cut myself, pretty deep. I got stitches! So wonderful, I know. Well, that's it. The end. 

It was also a bit of the reason why I couldn't update sooner than I'd hoped to. Typing isn't too easy with that. Sad. It's better now though, if you were wondering.

If you're curious to where I went, the Rocky Mountains is your answer! Nothing else shall be revealed. Though, something (or something's...oh) will be revealed about C and H, so read on to find out! 

I hope you enjoy the chapter! 



Work. It was the main thing that consumed me throughout the week. 

I heard a knock at my door, one that I was expecting. I spoke up, addressing the person, who I knew was Sage, to come in. She simply reminded me of a meeting I had in five minutes. It was one that Lena had asked for earlier this week, but Friday was the only day that the conference room was free. 

Work; it never ended. I thanked her and watched as she left the room again. My eyes peered at my computer screen, closing out of all the few windows I had open, along with the programs. Of course, I did so making sure that I had saved all of my progress.

I gathered my leather portfolio, that I always kept on me during work, and made my way towards the board room. It wasn't long until the space was filled with many colleagues and my best friend, being the last one to show up — typical. A small chuckle left my lips, as I watched her walk inside.

"Now, why have you asked for the meeting, Miss Aravantis?" Clark asked, annoyed.

It was known that Lena did ask for plenty of meetings, but they all had purpose. She didn't work on the same floor as many of us, but constantly acted like she did. Though, there was a small spot in the corner of this level, and she took over that empty space, by adding a tiny desk for herself. One would say that it's completely unacceptable; however, until now, no one has told her anything. They were all well aware that she's impeccable at what she does; and with the stunning view ahead of her, it could help anyone work better — and somehow highly exceeding what her job description even defines.

"It's because we need a televised advertisement for the new project that's under phase two. I've take a look at the plans to —"

"Why on earth do you even need the plans? You're only an art director." His tone of voice was clearly filled with a degrading manner.

"Well, Mister Clark, I'm afraid that I always need them to properly do my job. You know, the media, the advertising, the publicity, to give a little peak for the world as to what this architecture firm actually does. If you don't think that's up to your standards, then feel free to leave." She looked him dead in the eye, gestured her hand towards the door, and I let out the smallest chuckle. Of course, he stayed silent and looked down at his own folder.

Robert Clark also pushed her buttons, but never once has he insulted her job title as he just did. It was one of the things I highly disliked about that man, he constantly degraded anyone who wasn't any type of engineer. Lena hates anyone who degrades her or anything she does. Being in a public professional situation, and properly giving him the equivalency of a flip off, proves that she's better than anyone in this entire conference room.

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