Chapter 12

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February 1st, 2018 

Kaci's Pov

I like need a plan to get the little brat Madison away from Zach cause like if I don't then Zach is gonna like soon starting liking her and then I'll like have to find someone different to use for fame.

That would like be like a lot of work and I like don't want to have to find a new boyfriend. Now how can I make Zach hate Madison. Oh I know what to do, but I'm going to need some help from an old friend.

I am going to see a girl that me and Madison knew in high school when we didn't do cyberschool. Her name is Riley Anderson. Luckily Riley lives in LA and the best part is that she hates Madison's guts.

I know that this will work out perfectly. I drive to her house which is only 25 minutes away and I knock on her door. Riley opened the door and I ask, "Do you want to get back at Madison Granger?"

She then lets me in after that and I explain how she is stealing my boyfriend and how I need help to make Zach hate her. Riley agrees to help and we make a plan to have Riley pretend to be her and try and make it seem like she is trying to get Zach to cheat on me.

Apparently Riley knows someone who can make her look like Madison and we decided we should do the plan tomorrow. I then go home feeling confident in my plan before going to sleep.

The Next Day

I woke up at 6am and did my everyday morning prep and ate a healthy breakfast cause I don't want to get fat. Anyway after I ate I went over to Riley's house and when I got there she looked so much like Madison that I almost threw up.

"You look terrible!" I exclaimed.

"I know right! I feel disgusting looking like this!" Riley exclaimed. We discussed the plan one more time before I drove to my apartment and Riley drove to the guy's house.

Riley's Pov

I drove to the house feeling disgusting while going over the plan in my head. Once I got there I knocked on the door and Jack opened the door and greeted me. I then said to him, "Where's Zach? I really need to talk to him." Jack then replied, "He's upstairs." I thanked him and texted Kaci making sure she was almost here.

She's was on her way so I put the plan into action. I found Zach and said to Zach, "Hey Zach you look really hot today. Do you want to have some fun at my place?" He then said right after that, "No I have a girlfriend remember." I got a text which meant that Kaci was outside the door so I said, "Oh come on Zach lets have fun."

Just as planned Kaci then walked in and said, "Zach you're cheating on me!" He then explains to Kaci how he was not cheating on her and that it was me the entire time. I quickly left and took all of the makeup and everything off and waited for Kaci to post about it and for Madison to get a ton of hate comments. The rest of the day I was so happy and I tweeted out that what Madison did was wrong even if she didn't really do anything wrong. 

Kaci texted me that night thanking me for helping her make her boyfriend hate Madison and we texted fir a bit before we stopped and I had dinner. After dinner I watched Netflix before going to bed thinking of how Madison is going to be so unpopular and how now I can become even more famous then her.

To Good To Be True//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now