9 - Date

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Walking into the common room, Draco takes a seat and waits for Hermione to arrive so they can leave for their date. Headmaster McGonagall had given all seventh and eighth-year students permission to go to Hogsmeade on weekends as long as they were not alone.

Draco looks at his watch he had gotten over the break and realizes that it's 10 past noon, Hermione was late, and he was getting nervous.

Is she even coming? Maybe she blew me off. She probably just wanted to make fun of me...but she couldn't, not with what she said last night...could she?

Suddenly, the common room door swings open, and in runs Hermione herself, interrupting Draco's thoughts

"Draco! I'm so sorry! I was in the library reading and I accidentally dozed off, Blaise found me sleeping and woke me up and reminded me I was supposed to be with you for our date..."

Hermione stopped to catch her breath before continuing

"And then I realized it was 10 past and I ran all the way here and I'm really sor-"

Draco cuts her off by wrapping his arms around her, "I thought you blew me off. I just...I've had a lot of disappointment in my life, and I didn't want you to be a part of that." He sighs into her shoulder and she wraps her arms around him. They stay like that for a few minutes before Draco breaks the hug and heads to the door.
Hermione was completely and utterly shocked, but she brushes it off and continues like nothing happened

"So, where are we going?" She asks him

"Well, I thought we could grab lunch at The Three Broomsticks, then stop by Honeydukes because I'm craving sweets, and well, we don't have to do that if you don't want. I mean, we can do what you want. Like if you wanted to go to Madam Puddifoots then I guess we could go even though its quite a-"

"Draco! That sounds lovely." She smiles at him as they walk out together

"You know, you really should stop cutting me off." He laughs inching his hand closer to hers

"Well, you should stop being worried about embarrassing yourself and ranting... it's actually quite...well, cute." Hermione smiles as they brush hands

"You know, it's November...Which means we've got 10 months now..." Draco whispers

"I know...believe me Draco. I know." She sighs

"So...who do you think will be first to get married?" Draco asked trying to soften the tone of the conversation

"Honestly, I think it'll be Harry and Ginny. They had already been talking about getting married anyway. Otherwise, I have no idea who will be next. Especially since I don't know a lot of the people in the seventh year and even some of the eighth-years." Hermione explained

"Out of our common room, It'll be Harry and Ginny, then Blaise and Luna, then us, and then Ron and Pansy. I bet." Draco smiles

"Alright, I'll take that challenge. I say Ron and Pansy will be before us. What are we betting? If I win, we are getting a cat once we leave Hogwarts...if you win?" Hermione asks

"If I win we are getting a dog, no cat. I'm not dealing with something mangy creature like your insane orange cat." He laughs

"Hey, don't hate on Crookshanks...I miss him." She sighs

"Let's shake on it. If I win, a dog. If you win, a cat." He smirks

"Fine. Can we go eat now?" She asks shaking his hand

"Hell yes. I'm Starving!" Draco says as they all but run to the Three Broomsticks


"So, Draco, what are you doing for Christmas?" Hermione asks the blond

"I might go to Malfoy Manor, or stay here. What about you?" He asked, taking a bite of his chicken

"Staying here. I still haven't found my parents so I don't really have anywhere to go..." She sighs, suddenly really missing her family

"What...What if you came to the Manor with me? I know it holds some bad memories for you, but I don't want you to spend Christmas all alone. Also, I need to apologize to you. I'm so sorry for not helping you that night. I should have. I know I should have. It's all because of me that you have that horrendous word on your arm. It's because of me that you were in pain and agony...while I just watched and listened. I shouldn't have become a death eater, I shouldn't have done anything I did. My choices have left so many scars on both of us and I'm so sorry for that. I'm sorry for being a bloody prick from day one. I'm just...sorry." Draco rambles an apology he should have given her long ago. 

Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince, had apologized once again. 

Hermione got up from her seat across from him and hugged him full-on.

"Thank you, Draco. Thank you. but, I forgave you for all of that the moment you sat down in my compartment that day. You didn't ignore me, you came back and sat down. Draco I forgave you a long time ago. As for our scars. Do you not realize how much stronger they have made us as people? These scars show that we made it! Drake! We're alive, and we're well, and dare I say, we're happy. So don't apologize for these scars. Because they made us who we are. And I wouldn't change a thing." She finally finishes

So there Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger sat. In the middle of the Three Broomsticks, unfinished food around them, a few people staring, and Hermione sitting next to Draco, hugging him as they apologize over and over to each other 

And they wouldn't have changed a thing.


I absolutely LOVE this chapter! I think this is where Hermione and Draco have really started to understand and like each other! AH! feels.

A little shorter than usual. But I have three essays due today. Send help.

LMAO SHELBY THREE YEARS LATER HERE! I HATE THIS CHAPTER NOW! lmao this is so gross but i don't feel like rewriting this. i removed the crying because that was STUPID(June 9th, 2023)

Xx Shelby

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