Chapter 14

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(Date: 24th of July 2004, 12:34PM)

A massive round table filled with all sorts of suits and powerful yet familiar faces was situated in the middle of what looked to be a mansion. On the table were people who've been seen before such as Sirzechs next to a man who looked like an older version of himself, Ophis who sat at the end of the table with her arms crossed and eyes closed. Azazel with his feet on the table and hands behind his head and Dolan standing next to an unfamiliar man with dark black hair and piercing red eyes.

At the further end of the table stood a man wearing a white suit, his eyes a vibrant blue and his hair glowing blonde. He stood up suddenly catching everyone's attention while a man with ten fallen angel wings along with the older Sirzechs who were nearest to him perked up.

???: This is a crisis that we all suffer from, not only has information been leaked but it was a time of war... not only that but no one is sure what type of information was released.

???: My Lord, what is so important about this? Those two belong to the devil faction, nothing to do with us...

???: That may be true, however... the information they stole was not only from the underworld... but from heaven as well.

Instantly there was an uproar amongst the crowd save for Azazel, the clone of Sirzechs and the ten winged fallen angel. The one called the Lord was staring patiently at everyone, waiting for the next moment of silence since everyone was agreeing on these "Two traitors" to be sentenced to death.

Lord: Yes, I know their crime is deserving them of death, however, we seem to have a problem...

And that's when the Sirzechs clone stood up, this time his presence caught everyone's attention. He cleared his throat, before glaring everyone down suddenly making the current room shrink except for the Lord and the fallen angel cower in fear.

???: Elizabeth and Hank may be treated like traitors, but they have done nothing to make us believe they would use this information for ill intentions. So far, they have merely read over the transcripts, nothing more. And, they are essential to the devils since their research has given the devils breakthroughs that save our lives and help us advance forward.

???: Tch, typical of the devils to play favourites just because the two humans help you live longer.

That came from the ten winged fallen angel, he glared right at the devil who merely glared right back. Both their wings flared causing everyone to gulp at the pressure they were creating merely from releasing their auras.

Lord: Zeoticus, Mandarin, both of you... calm down...

He released a holy light that made even the fallen angels hiss in pain while covering themselves. Instantly the two quieted down and all three took their seats again.

Lord: Due to the loss of the four devil kings, we have to ask of the devils to choose four new ones. I had already made a recommendation for your son Zeoticus... that is the only reason why you sit among us, be grateful lest you want to be kicked out.

Zeoticus: Yes sir...

Lord: Mandarin, I've noticed you're lacking in your duties as the governor of your kind... therefore that's why your student Azazel will be appointed as the next one when this war is over.

Azazel + Mandarin: What!?

Lord: Now, as for the matter at hand... we cannot pass judgement just yet as Zeoticus explained: they have not done anything too criminal with the information. At best, they can only be charged with breaking into the vaults of both the underworld and heaven.

???: And that is why I arrived My Lord.

Everyone now turned their heads to the man accompanied by Dolan, his hands were interlocked while he stared ahead, not even bothering to give anyone the attention and respect they most likely deserved.

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