Blue Velvet

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waking up with Harry's arm wrapped around me. { no we didnt have sex }

Looking at the clock it's 11:00 am trying to pull my self out of his grip I failed because he only pulled me in closer.

"Harry let me go I have to brush my teeth, morning breath is gross."

"aha your right." His deep morning voice was so sexy.

He final let me go,so quickly brush my teeth and get in the shower. After I get out to find Harry still sleeping . aha fucking lazy ass I thought . So I grap my outfit of the day and go to the bathroom . My ootd is{black shorts,a gray v-neck,and white convers . I curl my hair and put on mascara} Walking out Seeing Harry barley getting up out of bed . He looked at me and smiled showing the purely with teeth of his. Till we both heard a loud bang that made up jump . We both went to the living room and all the guys were there, but shit was breaking, cussing and yelling. It was Niall and Rosy they were fighting but things got ugly.

Rosy POV:

Okay now that the boys are become more and more popular me and Hailey being there girlfriends get a lot of paparazzi on us were ever we go. Plus the paparazziare always making up stories about the boys that aren't true. Well I guess him and Ariana Grande had a thing going on before me and him were dating . So I guess they want them to do a love song just the two them . To be honest I really don't care if they do a song or shit like that because it's strictly work,but when this bitch wanna throw her that self all over my man you got me fucked on so many levels. So to sum it up that's with me and Niall are fighting right now.

*back to out argument My POV still*

"Niall what the fuck! how you gonna tell me that thot ain't trying to throw her self on you. I can see it in this picture ,and you didn't even push her away . That hurts a hole fucking lot."

"Babe it wasn't even like that, but if your just gonna bitch on the damm picture all day then go ahead."

"Fuck you Niall!!!" I say screaming with a tear coming out.

By now all the boys are pulling us away from each other and Isabel and Harry make there way out .

Niall and I were cussing and throwing things at each other.

"Stop it guys someone's gonna call the damm cops!" Zayn yells through the big crashes an screems going back an fourth at us.

"Rosy, you know what I'm so fuckin down with this bullshit you keep throwing!"

No, you know what Niall your full of bullshit! You probably would fuck her thot ass too!"

"Damn right I already did, what now!"

Everyone stops and looks at us all attention on us.

What did he just say, my heart shattered to millions of pieces that could never be repaired. Time just stopped leaving me dumbfound along with everyone else in the damn room.

"Were done." My voice was low an soft, you couldn't practically hear the deviation and discuss in my voice.

"Rosy it was- I was..."


he grab his jacket in his hand an left.

"Yeah asshole run to the thot and don't fucking come back!" Yelling out of frustration an hurt I had all these emotions in me I don't know if I wanted to punch the wall or curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out.

"Rosy, I'm so sorry" Louis pulls me into a big hug kissing my forehead.

"I guess I could say I saw this coming." Pausing my sentence to gather up my composer as I feel my eyes become glossy. "I'm just gonna head to my room guys I'm sorry you had to be involved in thisheart.On that note I exit the now broken up room. I close my bedroom door, leaning my back ageist it sliding down. The only thing I really could do was cry at the moment. Cry for the one I loved to hurt me so much.

Isabel POV:

"umm I think you guys should go now." I pull my hair into a ponytail.

"Yeah she need time alone poor baby." Liam had a sadness in his eyes.

"You sure you don't wait our help on clean up this big mess?" Zayn offered his help as the rest agree as well.

"No I'm fine with this honest." I smile assuring them I'm fine.

"Please take care of her, for me." Louis whispers in my ear as he hugs me good bye.

But something made us all stop for a moment, it were the Cry's an sobs Rosy. Looking at each other knowing Niall broke her heart.

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