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Arkayna's Pov

I opened my eyes i was tied up with magic ropes it looked like a cave i was in,                                        Zarya was unconcious i tried to wake her up but it did not work,"Zarya wake up"                                  "That wont work my dear"squack"Captain kaos said,"She's in a deep sleep"                                            "What do you want from us Kaos"Arkayna said angry.                                                                                                       

"Your soul's is what i want"Squak"hehe"Captain kaos said smirking.                                                           "Wake her up or swear im gonna kill you"Arkayna said with fury.                                                                   Captain kaos walked away"I'll use you both later hehe'squack'until now i'll wake her up"                  He removed the magic that kept Zarya asleep."Until then i'll just poison you both"

"Ahhh"Arkayna and Zarya said screaming and closed there eyes,"I'll get you Kaos"Zarya said weakly the was knocked out.

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