Pull Over

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I had been driving all day. My feet are aching and I had sweat through my deodorant over an hour ago. Unfortunately, that is one of the items I forgot to pack. Can you blame me? I was in such hurry that I even forgot my phone charger. Who would I call anyway? The only people I ever called or text was my family. My phone beeped letting me know that it was on its last leg with only 10% battery life left. I won’t be needing this. Without thinking any more about it, I tossed the cold hunk of plastic out the window. It was as if the last thing keeping me tied to them was finally gone, and it feels amazing.

I wanted to get far away from my family as fast as I could. It was amazing that I hadn’t received a speeding ticket yet. Or so I thought. Blue lights flashed in my mirror. “You have got to be kidding me?” Turning my flashers on, I merged over to the side of the highway. “This is my lucky day.” My heart began to race and I could feel the tears swelling up. Oh no, please don’t let me cry.

“Do you know why I pulled you over?” That voice sent chills down my spine, making me shiver from the sensation.

“Actually, no. I don’t think I was speeding.” A huge lump made its way to my throat causing me to sound like I was crying. I wasn’t just yet, but I was getting there.

“Ma’am, please, now is not the time to be crying.” He bent down lower, I guess to get a better view of me. “I pulled you over for littering.”

The flood finally hit. Everything inside of me finally broke, that is, what was left. “I’m sorry officer. I am having a horrible past two days. I left home for good because my family hates me. They have always been ashamed of me because I am fat. Always pushing me to the side. Always making fun of me. Always hiding me from the public as if I have a disease. My life has been nothing but shit. Finally, I take control and leave them, and it seems like everything is getting worse. I threw that phone out the window to finally get rid of them, and now I am having to pay for it.” Tears streamed down my face. I know I look like crap, and I just ranted to a police officer. “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to unleash that all on you.”

A look of what seemed to be horror came over him. He probably thinks I am insane and is going to take me to the crazy house. “Uh? I’m not really sure how to respond to that.”

“I’m sorry. Just give me my ticket.”

“Look, it seems as though you have had a rough life, the last thing you need is a ticket for littering. We will just let this go. Just don’t let me catch you doing it again.” A smiled at me. It wasn’t a pity smile. It was an actual friendly smile.

“Thank you.” He walked away, wishing me a nice day.

I couldn’t leave. Mostly because I was still in shock from ranting to a police officer. Maybe luck was on my side. Maybe things were starting to change for the better. Oh god, maybe I need to take a shower. I’m starting to smell a little musky. 

***Author's Note***

It is a short chapter. Mostly because I needed to add a little something to satisfy my need of writing. I know it is starting off slow, but I promise it will pick up soon.

Love and Kisses

To my Misters and Misses

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