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John turned to me in surprise. He slowly stood from the couch, the whole time keeping his eyes locked on mine. He walked right up to me and stopped right in front of my face. I blinked and backed up a little.

John swore under his breath and smiled. "Can you really see me?" He asked in total excitement.

A wave of confusion swept over me. Why was John Lennon in my living room? Was I still dreaming? Although on second thoughts, I wasn't too surprised at seeing a dead person. I had seen many dead people. Many murder victims who died much before their time. But never in my own home. They were always at the places where their murder had occurred. But John Lennon was in my living room in South Carolina: Seven Hundred and twenty-four point eight miles South from the place he was shot.

"Umm, yes." I answered him shyly.

John laughed and turned back to the living room and sat down. "That's new. No ones ever been able to see me before." He chuckled.

I smiled and sat down in the arm chair beside the couch. "I have seen many ghosts in my time." I whispered.

"Hold up now! Let's get one thing strait, I'm a spirit not a ghost." John said with jokingly with a dash of annoyance.

I smiled even more and shook my head. We sat a moment in complete silence and then I remembered the coffee I had dropped upon entering the room. I stood up quickly and walked hastily into the kitchen and retrieved two tea towels. I wet one and mopped up the still burning liquid. Then I dried it up with the other.

"Would you like me to help....?" John asked, but trailed off so I could tell him my name. He was standing over me.

"Julian I told him. And you can't touch things in the living world can you?" I asked.

"Julian, I have a son named Julian."

"I know. And that's who I'm named after. My parents wanted a son."

"Well that's sweet but anyways, I can touch whatever you touch. It's complicated. So do you need help?" He rushed.

"No I think I got it."

When I stood up he took the towels from me and asked where the washing machine was. I guided him to it and he turned it on and washed them.

I finally asked the question that had been playing on my mind since I saw him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm enjoying the scenery." He smiled and checked me out. I looked down at myself and crossed my arms over my chest. I hadn't put a bra on this morning. I kicked myself. I knew exactly what John was thinking and I wasn't sure if I liked it.

John winked and walked past me and into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and took out supplies to make a sandwich.

"You didn't answer my question." I reminded him.

"What, You mean the one where you asked why I'm here?"

"Yeah, that's the one." I said with a smirk.

"Well how about we make a deal. You let me eat a sandwich or two and allow me to crash in your apartment for a week. Then I'll talk."

I thought about it a moment and figured I couldn't exactly make him leave. I mean I didn't even let him in, so he'd end up staying here anyways. So I agreed.

John smiled and began putting his meal together. "Thank you."

I waited for him to start talking but he didn't.

"I thought we had a deal?" I complained in a friendly way.

John shook his head. "I haven't eaten yet. And we both know a man can't think with out food. In fact, neither can a Bird. I'll make you one, too." John said in his perfect Liverpool accent which melted my heart.

12-08-80Where stories live. Discover now