Chapter 25

11 2 0

March 27th, 2018

Madison's Pov

I woke up at 7:00 am  to Natalie shaking me awake. Yeah she is a morning person and always wakes up everyone else in the house when she does. She has been waking me up every morning throughout the entire week she has been visiting me.

It is terrible because I am not a morning person, nor will I ever be. I can't blame Natalie for this because she has been doing this for as long as I can remember. As a kid I never needed an alarm clock because of her waking ne up everyday.

"Come on it is time for you to get up and ready for the day!" 

I groaned and fell out of bed before Natalie decided that she would just pull me up herself. I got ready for the day and me and Natalie had Cheerios for breakfast before I got a text from a chat with the guys minus Zach.

Jonah:Hey Madison 

Jack:How is Madison

Daniel:Has he asked you on a date yet

Madison:No we agreed to talk about it when you guys get back from tour

Daniel:Guys we gotta go Zach is getting suspicious about who I'm talking to

Jack:Oh no bye Madison 

Jonah:See you later


Madison:Bye guys 

I turned off my phone before I helped Natalie pack her stuff back up. Yeah she is leaving today and it's sad. I have had a great time with her and I wish that she did not have to go but I know that we will visit each other again soon.

Anyway after we finished packing I checked the time and it was 11:03. We had a little over an hour to get there so Natalie called an uber and when they came we left for the airport. When we got there it was time for her flight to leave. We hugged for a while.

"I am going to miss you so much!" Natalie exclaimed.

"I will miss you too!" I replied.

"See you later gator," she said.

"In an hour sunflower," I said back. (If any of you guys know what book that's from comment it below) 

We hugged again before she left to go on her flight. She looked back one last time before she went on the plane. I went home and took down the fort before making lunch.

I had a ham and cheese sandwich and while I was eating I listened to music. It was not all Why Don't We music. You may not know this about me but I am a big fan of The Beetles. One day a few years ago I decided to listen to them and I have loved their music ever since.

After I had lunch I played Pet Rescue for a while. I have been playing for a while now and I can happily say that I am on level 1,005. Once I got stuck and ran out of lives I did some homework. It did not take me that long, I would say maybe 25 minutes.

When I was done with my homework I kept getting tons of notifications from my social medias. It was weird because I did not have many people on social media. I looked at one of the messages and it was a link to a video that came out less than an hour ago.

It was not the whole video but close to the end. Zach told the entire world that he likes me. That takes guts. I'm not mad at him or anything if that's what you think. I just never expected him to. I hope he does not think afterwards that I am mad.

Moving on I kept getting tagged and messaged asking me if I like him back and asking me if Zadison is real. To clear everyone's confusion I posted something about it.

'There has been lots of talk on the internet about if I'm dating Zach. Currently we are not dating but you never know remember what he said in the other interview about getting a girlfriend'

That did not help. I'm actually convinced that it made it a lot worse. So know his friends are freaking out about when he's going to ask me out and where he's going to take me on the first date. I got sick of it and I had a chicken pattie for dinner. One I was done eating dinner I got a text from Natalie.

Natalie:Wow that video hasn't even been up for a day and your already getting constantly talked about by Why Don't We fans

Madison:You have no idea how terrible this is

Natalie:I believe you I swear but it is kind of funny considering you don't like to be the center of attention

We talked for a few more hours until I got tired. I got ready for bed before going into a dreamless sleep. 

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