Ω Chapter 17

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† Serena's POV

I looked in the mirror, and gave myself a smile. Then I made an ugly face, and nodded of approval. I have that black dress on, and I also have on white converse. My hair is curled, and my makes up is a little more dressed up. I gave myself another ugly face, and walked out. Next to my phone was a ticket, and a note.

My adorable, cute Serena,

I scoffed, "punk rock, and hardcore Serena." I said.

take this ticked, and meet me up at the Empire State Building. I'll be waiting for you there.


I smiled, and took the ticket into my hands.

So how is he doing this if a lot of people are up there.





I finally reached the top that took forever to get up. I've been up here before, and it is nice. This time there are no people, and it's empty. I don't know how he did it.

"Ms. Grier," a tall guy said. I looked over at him, and smiled.


The breeze was cool, and it was bright up here. I could feel the building sway. When you're up really high the buildings do tend to sway.

"Follow me," he smiled. He led me to one end, and I saw a table, and candles, and it was perfect.

"Serena," Matthew smiled, "you look stunning," he nodded his head, "thank you Chuck." Matthew smiled at the guy.

"Matthew this is beautful." I looked around.

"I knew you would love it." he came up, and smiled at me. He hugged me tight.

"This is perfect," I smiled, "how?" I asked.

"I will never tell." he kissed my cheek. "So lets go sit, and talk." he said.

"Okay," he pulled out the chair for me, and we talked for a little.

"How was the rest of Magcon?" I asked him.

"I don't know it went by fast, but it was great. Sucks this has to be our last... you know it won't be the same." he shook his head. I grabbed his hand across the table.

"I understand." I assured.

"Serena..." he looked at me. I smiled, and nodded my head, "where does this put us?" he asked. My heart fluttered at us.

Serena don't be little bitch.

I mentally slapped myself.

"I don't know..." I shook my head.

"So I really don't want to give up on you... I like you." he said, or should I say lied.

"I like you too," I lied back.


"Don't act so surprised," I laughed.

"I won't this time, and also time for food." he smiled.

"Finally," I laughed. I was expecting something big, and fancy, but he pulled out a tacobell bag. "this is why I chose to date you." I shook my head.

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