The white scarlet rose (then)

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My head starts to spin madly making the hole world wheel around me a lump has formed on my throat suffocating me and my heartbeats are loud that echoes on my eardrums stifling all the sound nearby.

I feel helpless....

My Ebony.... my beloved companion through the painful years that followed my father's death, those were I was alone and lost in the word trying to make my way. That horse was there all the time keeping me company but now he's gone.... And in this dreadful circumstance.

Tears Cascades down my cheeks and my legs giveaway, Nicolae quickly holds me from the back preventing me from collapsing into the ground. My chest tightens and my countless sobs fills the mournful silence of the room.

Nicolae embraces me protectively, but there's also anger in his hold, I feel it rising like an impetuous wave that he tries to contain, the surroundings are darkening due his change of mood. He helps me to sit on a chair and caresses my shoulders trying to console me but nothing can smooth the wrecking pain that's flooding me right now, there's only me and this appalling feeling nothing else... even sited it feels like I'm falling into an endless abyss as my reality shatters into a million pieces.

Seeing my State of mind Nicolae's fury thrives, his hands clenches into trembling fists. A loud thud and the cedar table breaks in two followed by the sounds of the crockery collapsing and breaking on the floor, spreading smithereens all over.

Aretta emit a shrill cry in surprise and clings on Dyami who watches the scene wary. Nicolae has punched the dining table with all his might, his rage has finally possessed him. I raise my head for a moment in despite of my state of mind, his eyes have become crimson and his fangs have descended, his enraged self-exposed his dark form.

His eyes fall on Aretta, by the menacing look on his face I'm able to know exactly what he's thinking... She has seen too much. He goes towards her in short paced heavy step's that makes him look obscurely threatening, the room seems to darker at each one of his strides.

Aretta eyes pops out of her head out of fear and Dyami pulls her behind him protectively, Nicolae stands in front of them threateningly.

Nicolae: move, you know I can't let her go like this after what she saw.

I watch the scene lifelessly unable to react in any manner without any physical or psychological strength to react or defend her. I feel like I'm detached from my body in other reality.

Nicolae's voice is deep, obscure it still sounds like him but there's something viciously somber in it.

Dyami stay still facing him while Aretta flinches in fear behind him. His dark facet exposes the pernicious side of him that he tries so much to hide behind that kind mask he wears, I can't believe that this the man that I sleep with every night he looks like a devil.

His shoulders sag suddenly and the darkness around him starts to dissipate, he looks at me over his shoulder his grey eyes have saddened, and I'm sure he heard my last thought. He sighs heavily turning to Dyami.

Nicolae: I don't intend to harm her in any way but have to make her forget what she just saw.

Dyami gauges Nicolae in silence for a while then step aside pushing Aretta forward kindly by her waist, the girl shrinks in her place Dyami holds her rubbing his shoulder with one hand then speaks to her softly.

Aretta: please no... don't I won't tell... just let me go....

She whimpers uncontrollably wriggling against his holt in a desperate attempt to escape. The scene deeply agonizes me, but I'm in a stoic trance unable to react.

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