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Cas was so caught up in thoughts that he didn't realize until late that his hunter wasn't feeling well. It was only a blink of an eye before he stood in front of his bed, staring blankly at the crying body buried deep under the covers.


"Go away like always. Back off!" the hunter croaked through sobs.

Cas didn't understand. First, the hunter revealed his feelings, and now he wanted him to leave?!

After Dean made no move to get out of the current situation, Cas went into the kitchen.

"Oh, Cassie..."

Startled, he turned around and saw Gabriel sitting at the table in front of a cup containing more marshmallows than cocoa.

"You're going to die of sugar shock," the black-haired angel casually mumbled as he sorted the cutlery drawer – he always did that when he didn't know what to do anymore.

"Sit down."

Gabriel patted the chair next to him with his flat hand, and Cas dropped with a sigh.

"Can you leave that?" the younger angel growled, annoyed when he'd told everything, and his brother only answered that he already knew everything.

Gabe looked at him with a huge grin and tilted his head before answering.


"Okay. Then explain it to me. Why doesn't Dean want me near him?!"

"Humans. I'll explain a few things to you. For example, with the feelings."

After finishing his marshmallows, he snapped a second cup as the conversation continued for quite a while.

Gabriel wasn't an expert, and not everything he said was to be taken literally. But he went to great lengths to explain things Cas had never heard of.

Knowing that he'd hurt the hunter with his behavior, Castiel was quite dejected in the end. But he was also a bit overwhelmed with this situation.

"Thank you, Gabriel. But I have one last favor to ask of you."

"Sure, bro."

"Go away!"

"Oh, come on," Gabe replied, pouting, but when he saw Cas' face, he knew the other was serious. But it wasn't that bad because he had more important things to take care of anyway. With a smile and a pat on the back, he left.

It took a few more moments for Cas to get up, smoothing out his trench coat and returning to Dean's room with mixed feelings.

At least the hunter had stopped crying because that would've broken Cas's heart. He lay huddled on the bed like a small child and pulled the covers back over his head because he was terribly embarrassed.

The mattress sagged as Castiel sat down with a sigh.

"I understand if you don't want to look at me. But let me explain."

Dean shook his head vehemently because he didn't want to hear that. He didn't want to hear that Cas would leave him. Because if it wasn't said, then it wasn't true either – his opinion.


"I don't wanna hear that," the younger man defiantly replied as Cas put a hand on his shoulder and squirmed like a stubborn child because it didn't get what it wanted. Eventually, he calmed down, and only a sigh could be heard from time to time.

"Listen. You caught me by surprise. I wasn't prepared for that."

Cas searched for words, looked absently out of the window, and watched the branch hitting the window by the wind for a moment. He remembered the conversation with Gabriel.

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