Close Call

28 4 9

Luis's POV

Lacey was still ignoring me. I had said sorry, what more was there to do? If I had told her before then she would have been mad and if I hadn't of told her before, then she would of been mad at me then too. I just couldn't win.

I angrily kicked a twig out of the way, walking through the woods by Lacey's house. I had no home here, so to speak, so I had built myself a tree house in the woods by her house.

"Let me go!" I automatically looked around, searching for the source of the high pitched cry. It sort of sounded like...

"I said let me go, little asshole, you" Lacey. I couldn't help but chuckle at her comeback though. This girl has fire!

I grabbed my sword from its holster and ran towards the voice.

"Creep" I ran forward further, until I was on the edge of a clearing. I ducked behind a piece of shrubbery and listened for their voices again.

"Hold still you little wretch"

"Wretch, how dare you call me such a thing"

"Fine then, Princess, is it?" That was it. He just crossed the line.

"You get away from her" I cried, standing up and running towards the two of them.

"Alfie! No!" I heard her shout. I didn't stop to look though. Apparently she was still in a strop with me.

"Alright son, you asked for it" The man grinned at me and pulled his sword out too.

"Charge" He shouted and met me half way, for a duel.

Our swords clangged against each others as we fought, back and forth, back and forth. I swooped low, hoping to get a stab in the gut but I missed and contacted with his leg instead.

He let out a scream and stepped back. I watched the blood trail onto the floor, and heard Lacey gasp from behind me. I turned to look at her and we made eye contact. I wanted to let her know how sorry I was. I took a step towards her, but her eyes grew wide.

"Behind you"

On instinct, I turned and faced the man's sword as he almost made contact, just skinning my right arm with the sword in slightly. I winced with the pain and held the sword in my other hand. Then, I went straight for his heart.

I dug the sword in deep and heard his final breath, before he went limp and collapsed on the floor beside me. I slowly pulled the sword out of his lifeless body and cleaned it off, before placing it back in its holster.

I then turned to Lacey. She was staring at me in shock.

"Alfie..."She whispered.

"Did I just...did I...kill him?" I asked, shocked by what I had just done.

"Yes, you did" She replied gently.

"You did it to save me though. Alfie, you saved me. Thank you" She came over and gave me a big hug. I automatically wrapped my arms around her and we both relished this moment. All the previous tension between us was gone.

I realised what I was doing though and quickly went to pull away. However, she pulled me back at the last second, which sent me hurtling back towards her chest.

"No Alfie. Please" She begged me, but I just firmly shook my head at her

"But Lacey, don't you see? We can't be together. Your betrothed to someone else. We just can't" This didn't seem to discourage her though. After a moments thought, she replied.

"If I'm the princess of this magical place, which I presume is where the person I am betrothed to is, then surely I get to decide who I get to be in love with. They can't force me to do anything"

"Lacey, that's beside the point. This poor guy has been pinning his hopes on me bringing you back. You can't break his heart"

"Who is he, the guy I'm betrothed to?" She asked, staring up at me, still wrapped up in my arms

"I don't know" I mumbled, looking at the floor. I felt ashamed that I didn't know anything about him and couldn't tell her.

"You don't know him! Then how do you expect me to care about him? I care about you Alfie, you and only you. So please, forget about this person you don't even know, and let me be with you"

"But..." I started, but she interrupted me quickly

"No buts. I choose you. I love you. Don't you love me too?"

"Of course I do, I always have, but..."

"No buts" She said again, cutting me off. "If you love me, then please forget this mystery guy and just concentrate on us"

She wanted me to concentrate on us. Okay, I could do that. What harm would it bring for now? Like she said, the mystery guy was back home. As she was already in my arms, it was super easy to lean down, as she leant up to meet me half way, and crash our our lips together in a desperate need for each other.

I pulled her closer to me and deepened the kiss. She wrapped her hands round my neck and into my hair. I licked her lip, asking for entrance which she didn't give. I bit her lip instead, which made her moan softly, giving me the perfect opportunity to slip my tongue inside.

She responded quickly to the kiss and we kissed until we could no longer breath and had to come up for air. Panting, I smiled at her and crouched down, motioning for her to hop up. She climbed on and wrapped her arms around my neck, but not too tight, as I held onto her legs and ran off in the direction of her house with her giggling behind me.


Hi :)

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been very busy these holidays. I will try to update in the next week or so, please be patient with me.

Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE and FOLLOW!!!

-L xx

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