IMAGINE: jamming with 30 Seconds To Mars

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I followed them in my car back to Jared's apartment downtown. There were two parking spaces reserved for each resident so luckily I could pull up next to him. He signalled for me to use the space and I saw the two of them grinning through the tinted windows as I carefully manoeuvred inside the lines.

"Way to go, Y/N." Jared high-fived me when I got out. "I just need to grab my mail, so Shannon will show you up." He tossed the apartment keys to his brother.

"Come on, sweetie." Shannon slipped an arm around me and led me over to the building.

I smiled over my shoulder at Jared and he gave me a little wave. 

"You're fucking cold." Shannon said, "Did you not bring a jacket?"

I shrugged, smiling to myself. "Not normally after I've been to the gym, you know? But let's face it this wasn't exactly on my schedule."

He nodded. "It'll be warm upstairs, don't worry." We got into the elevator and it whizzed up to the top floor in no time. When it pinged and the doors parted, Shannon flicked his head at me with a daft cheesy smile.

"Heeeeere's Jonny!" He said, taking my hand again. I snorted, what a fucking idiot

He opened the door to Jared's apartment and strode right over to the heater, making sure it was switched on. I flicked on the light and gazed about. The furniture and the walls were minimalist, but it still somehow seemed so cosy. There was a tall, weird and wavy lamp in the corner which Shannon also turned on. It was getting dusky after all and would be dark before long.

 But what struck me most, was, the place was so clean and tidy it was unreal. Shannon, it seemed, had almost read my thoughts.

"Excuse the mess." He winked.

"Yeah, it's a fucking tip." I muttered, grinning at him hovering in the corner. 

He folded his arms and leaned on the wall. "So er, you wanna show me a chord or two before J gets here?"

I smiled and walked over to him. "Lead the way."

He wrapped an arm around me again and we walked through the apartment and into a side room with white walls and more minimalist art and furniture. 

"You're warming up." He beamed, pulling out the piano stool. "Play me something you wrote?" He batted his eyelids. "Please?"

I looked up at him from under mine. "Well, if you insist." 

I sank into the piano stool and pulled it up as close as I needed from the shiny midi-grand that stood against the wall. He pulled up a squishy stool as close to the piano as possible without getting in my way, and he sat, waiting, with a massive grin on his face.

I wiggled my fingers, then hesitated. "You want something happy or something depressing but slightly more realistic?" I asked.

"Whatever you're in the mood for honey." 

"Okay..." I thought about it for a second, then I began. 

  ₪ Ø lll ·o.  

When I had finished the last cadence of the song, both Jared and Shannon were in the room. Shannon's stool squeaked along the floor when he stood up to clap.

"Bravo, Y/N that was fucking awesome." He rubbed my shoulder. "Like I actually loved that, what did you think Jared?"

Jared had been stood in the doorway, and I had noticed him come into view out of the corner of my eye when I had been halfway through playing. I eyed him nervously. A little smile was tugging the corner of his mouth and I could see his brain was ticking, mulling it over.

30 Seconds To Mars ⨺ *IMAGINES* ₪ Ø lll ·o.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora