24. (FINAL)

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*Caroline Pov*
  Me and Mark were sick of all the noise in the party so we decided it was for the best to get the hell out of there and go to the park that was close. I just texted Mina to let her know where we are so that se wouldn't have to worry about us.
  After a while walking we decided to sit ok the grass. I was just stargazing when Mark spoke.
  Mark: "I haven't really told you this tonight but you look beautiful. Huh not that you aren't beautiful in the other nights or days you always look beautiful!"
  Mark was struggling with his words and I found it cute, after all the stumbling with what he wanted to say he facepalmed, I took the chance to grab his hands and take them out of his face to reassure him that it was ok, he looked at me surprise by my action and I just smiled at him.
  Mark: "I am a mess I am sorry."
  He looked down once again.
  Caroline: "It's ok I like your messy self."
  I giggled a bit and he looked at me once again with a little smile.
  Mark: "I am glad then."
  He sighed before taking again.
  Mark: "I am sorry Caroline... I know I am not the most funny guy to be aroun-"
  When I heard him starting to talk shit about himself I instantly interrupted him.
  Caroline: "You're kidding me right?! You are one of the most amazing person I have ever met, besides the girls you were one of the few people I connected almost instantly, one of the few I trust with everything in me. So please do me a favor and cut all the crap. You are amazing, funny, sweet, handsome, sensiti-"
  In the middle of my saying I was suddenly cut by a kiss, I was surprised at first but soon gave in to the kiss. He grabbed my cheeks as I grabbed his neck, it was so natural 'I Think I might be in love with him...'

*Mark Pov*
  She was saying all those sweet things about me and that just made me realize that in front of me was the most kind and beautiful human being, and the one I love and cherish, the one I wanna have a life with, and without even letting her finish her sentence I decided to kiss her. Her lips were so soft and sweet.... just like her.

*Sophie Pov*
  While me and Jooheon were wondering around we ended up passing by the balcony and we saw something that we couldn't believe, well we could, but it's just that it took them so long to do so, I was indeed happy in that moment.
  I turned to Jooheon and locked our arms together and smiled.
  Sophie: "Let's give them some space."
  Jooheon smiled at me and nodded and we closed the door of the balcony.

*Jinyoung Pov*
  In that moment I decided to do something that would change our relationship forever, for the best or for the worst.

*Mina Pov*
  With our foreheads touching each other there was only a little gap between us, I could feel his breath on my lips and I knew he could feel mine.

*Jinyoung Pov*
  I decided to close the little gap between us by giving her a kiss.

*Mina Pov*
  Has soon as I felt his lips touching mine I instantly responded the kiss. I felt like I was waiting for that a long time now 'Park Jinyoung I fell for you hard...'

*Authors Pov*
  After that night everything went upwards for the 14 of them, Mina Lisa Caroline Jihyo Yumi and Sophie ended up having a job at the JYP company, which made them stay there living. Thanks to Jinyoung Mina and Lisa even started entering in dramas. Unfortunately Mary went back to America and there she started a career as a model, and is now a well known one, They still keep in tho, sometime Mary comes to Korea and other times the girls go to America to visit her and their parents.
  It has been now 6 years and Jackson and Lisa are engage, Mark and Caroline are married and already going to the second son, Jihyo and Bambam just like Yumi and Yugyeom and Sophie and Jooheon (Yes she ended up with him) are still dating, but Bambam as just asked Mina to help him to porpoise to Jihyo, and well Jinyoung and Mina are already married too and you had a little big surprise because Mina discovered that she's pregnant!


  Heyyyyy guysss, well that's it, 24 chapters of pure shit 😂
  I hope you still liked it tho.
  See ya on my next ff💗

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