Shoot To Kill.

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Leading her back down the narrow hallways, the two men asked her every question humanly possible about who was on the phone and how they had blocked their tracker. Of course, at this point, Lilah thought it was best to pretend to be deaf and mute. 

"We have the tightest security," The guard spat, "Don't you think you're going to escape. We're sending you to Blackgate." Lilah smirked, that suited her fine, whether or not The Riddler fulfilled his promise meant little to nothing to her, she wouldn't be sent to Blackgate. Jonathan would make sure of that and she was pretty certain Hugo Strange would also benefit greatly from her being sent to Arkham rather than Blackgate. Yet, there was still one thing that bothered her. 

Dead is my name... Death is my job. 

She knew who he spoke about, no matter how much she wanted to deny any knowledge of it. It had been nine years since she had seen the man and they hadn't separated on good terms. Although, that was entirely her own fault. 

For my heart she pierced... 

Lilah had caught herself wishing she could take back her actions so many times. Sometimes she forgot that he was no longer a part of her life. He was her first love; the man she thought she would marry, have kids with and grow old with. But she ruined it, she ruined their love. She was so afraid of losing the people she loved the most after her father's death that she was unable to see that because of her fear, she lost them anyway. Shaking her head, she looked straight ahead. Would she lose everyone she loved again?

"Keep sharp. I hear we got a new prisoner in about fifteen minutes ago, a feisty one at that..." One guard said, finally giving up on their attempts of prying information out of Lilah who still listened carefully.

"You mean that guy with the guns?" The other asked. The first guard gave him a nod,

"Yeah, never seen anything like it," As the two men continued their conversation, Lilah stared ahead, she could hear something, a commotion of some sorts,

"Get your hands off of me!" A voice cried out. Letting her eyes wander over to where the voice sounded, the two guards stopped, both staring at the bulletproof glass that separated the hallway from an interrogation room. Peering through the glass, over the larger guard's shoulder, her eyes fell onto a man in the midst of a scuffle with a number of guards. He was tall, taller than even Jonathan, with light brown hair that fell over his ears and dark blue eyes that seemed grey rather than blue. At least that's what she used to tell him. Running towards the glass, Lilah slammed her fists against it in a feeble attempt to get the man's attention. The man, instead, continued to throw punches at the three guards all attempting to subdue him. One by one, each man fell,

"Andrew!" The larger of the two guards ran to the locked door that led into the interrogation room, pulling out a small key that he used to unlock the door and as he opened it, gun drawn out, everything went black.

"The power's gone out!" The second man cried out, with her back against the glass, Lilah kept still, listening to the sound of gunshots and fists against flesh before there were two distinct thuds. As the emergency power generator activated, the lights came back on and Lilah's eyes fell onto the two guards, lying on the ground, bloodied and not breathing. Pushing herself off of the glass, Lilah stepped over the bodies and back down the hallway but abruptly stopped when she heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Turning on her heel, Lilah faced the dark haired man and as she set her eyes onto him, she finally understood The Riddler's last riddle,

"Floyd...." She mused more to herself, her voice trailing off as Floyd Lawton watched her with a small smirk, the dark crimson spots on his white shirt made him seem far more intimidating than he really was, or at least, so she thought. Not speaking, Floyd stepped backwards, his hand resting on the wall before he blew her a kiss and disappeared around the corner. "Floyd!" Running after him, she ran to the corner and found he was gone, as if he disappeared into thin air. "Floyd?" There was no reply, only the dead and unconscious were around to hear her. Looking over her shoulder, she made her way over to one of the bodies, picking up the still loaded gun before she strode back down the hallway. The exit was around here somewhere, of that she was certain. The amount of times she had been here as a child had certainly made directing herself around an easy task - Shaking her head, Lilah took a breath, no matter how much she tried to shake it off, her thoughts were frozen - stuck on Floyd almost like a movie that was being replayed over and over in her head. She wanted to know what he was doing here, what he had done in his life and most importantly... who he was now.

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