Chapter 7

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I was walking calmly in the hallway when I suddenly came face to face with Simon. He almost bumped into me but instead he braked and falled on the floor. I was a bit shocked so I didn't react, but as soon has I regain my sense I help him get back to his feet.

He seemed a bit startled, and when I asked him why he was running, he didn't respond immediately. And when he finally decided to talk, his answer wasn't really convincing either.

I also noticed that his cheeks were a interesting shade of red and his lips were a little swollen like he just had kissed someone. But that's totally impossible, because Simon would never cheat on me with someone else. Also, no girl in this school is as beautiful as me. So Simon has no reasons to even think of another. Anyway, I have something to tell him. I open my mouth and begin to speak:

"Whatever," I say . "Anyway, I have something to ask, so it's just perfect that I came face to face with you. So, well I wanted to ask  if you could come meet me in front of the gates, Friday at 6 o'clock?

"Uh yeah, sure no problem. But can I know why?" he replies, uncertain.

"You'll have your answer if you come." I returns. "That's all I wanted to  say to you, so have a good day Simon."

Then I just left, leaving him there. I didn't want to respond to his question because I have to be absolutely sure about what I'm going to do.  But  I'm quite sure that I don't love Simon anymore, and to be honest I think I didn't like him at all. Also now I think I love someone else, and this person is the hottest guy that I have know.  Tyrannus Basilton Grimm Pitch.

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