Chapter Five

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"James! For the love of-"

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"James! For the love of-"

Renata gritted her teeth together as she pressed her hand into her hip that was suddenly searing with a burning pain. After a few moments of dancing in place, squeezing her eyes shut, and biting down as hard as she could to keep herself from swearing all over the kitchen, Renata opened her eyes and let out a loud breath. Glancing down she glared in the direction of the drawer that had been left just slightly open at the end of the counter. A surge of annoyance raced through her body as she did her best to remain calm. However, it was one thing if it had been the first time that James had left the drawer open, unfortunately though, it was not.

For some reason, James had developed a habit over time to never fully close something, whether it was a door, drawer, cabinet, and sometimes, even the lid to a jar. In the beginning, Renata never said anything especially when she first started working with James and Harry, simply because she believed that James had so many other things on his mind that he often neglected small things. Yet, after Renata hit her hip on the open drawer countless times as she entered from the garden and rounded the corner of the kitchen counter or how many times she went to grab a jar only to have the lid slip right off and have the bottom part of the jar fall to the ground.

So many times she bit her tongue, swallowing her words of irritation, but that afternoon, it seemed it all caught up to her. Of course, one could argue that she should have been used to it, that she should have been more careful with where she was walking or what she was grabbing. But it wasn't only a matter of the pain she felt, but there had been times where Harry and some of the other ones had run into a drawer that James had left open. It was one thing for Renata to know better, but no one could expect three-year-olds to be mindful of James' bad habit. 

James came out of the bedroom where he had been getting dressed for the day, a smile on his face as he walked into an unexpected warzone. The smile quickly faded as soon as he met Renata's eyes as he could see the intensity paired with her hand resting on her hip.

"Uh, what's wrong, Ren?" he asked, taking no step further to get closer to her. He figured it was best to keep his distance until he figured out what was wrong.

"How many times do I have to tell you to keep the drawers closed?" she asked him.

"Oh," he said with a chuckle before he took to lightly knocking himself on the forehead, "sorry about that. I forgot-"

"No, this isn't something to just laugh off, James," Renata cut him off, not appreciating his laughter when she was still in pain. "I've told you countless times to close the drawers over when you're done going through them. The same with the doors to the cabinets and cupboards! But you don't listen-"

"It's not that big of a deal, Renata," James said, " I just figured it was a little quirk of yours to keep things closed, but it's not that big of a deal-"

"It is when I slam my hip into the drawer on a daily basis or when I have jar slam down on my foot because you refuse to put the lid on all the way! It's not a big deal to close things when you're done with them! I've asked you numerous times to do it-"

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