Chapter 14

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The inner Lisa...

Zombie stood there in all his naked glory and I could feel the drool running from my lips , his body was gorgeous his abs and that deep v line , I think I'm going to die from lack of oxygen right now ,"what are you doing ." I asked looking at his member as it hardened from the sound of my voice ,"I am going to take you over and over in that shower and you will beg for it." He said with a smirk on his sweet pink lips ." when he said this Lisa started to fight back and took over her body again " i would never let you touch me you pervert!"


My private investigator found the house that zombie was holding my Lisa in and I am on my way to get her right now ,"boss where here ." Said Jack and I looked at him puzzled ,"they were 10 minutes away this whole time ." I asked dumbfounded and coming out of the car . "It was a smart move because I thought he would take her far away never so close." Jack responded .

I kicked the door down and grabbed my gun and walked down the halls I saw two men by the door and I pointed my gun and pulled the trigger with no hesitation , blood went everywhere from the wound and I walked deeper down the hall , when I got to the bathroom door I heard the shower running so I pushed the door open and what I saw made me sick .

Lisa was lying on the floor blood running from between her legs and her face was beaten beyond recognition. I walked over to her and grabbed a towel wrapping it around her protectively , taking out my phone I called Jack,"FIND HIM." i screamed feeling blood rushing to my head , I picked Lisa up from the bathroom floor and walked out of the abandoned house .

when I got to the house I packed a bag for me and Lisa and i called the airport to book us a flight to France I only told Jack where i was going and i left for the airport . after a 3 hour flight i got off the plain feeling jet lagged and all i wanted to do was reach at the hotel penthouse and get some sleep . Lisa wouldn't talk she wouldn't eat and this made me even more angry because i wanted to find him and rip his heart out of his chest and hand it to her , until he is found Lisa would have to live in fear that he might come back and get her and i don't want that for her


i can still feel his hands around my throat , his fist against my face , his member going in and out of me in a painful manner i could still hear my screams for him to stop ,A tear escapes my eyes and i let it roll down my cheek , sleep has become difficult because i am afraid he would come and take me again , i can't eat because i feel sick to my stomach whenever i think about the disgusting things he did to my mouth . I want him dead ' gone from ever hurting me again, the pain i feel between my legs are because of him ,my virginity gone because of him and now i have nothing to live for .

an/ 300 reads what the ahhhhhhhhh thank you all so much i was not expecting so much reads and it honestly feels so good to see the number of reads grow everyday so thank you all so much for the support.

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