30: That Name

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~~~The Beauty Sen Jia

As hard As Sen Jia tried, he was still feeling impatient. 

He was glad Song Min was stable mentally despite the sudden changes but he wanted his little Shuai back. It was so hard to only look and having to be careful of his words was getting tiresome. He decided to push things along a bit.

{Seventh, any indication of Shuai's system booting up soon?}

[None, it seems to be slowly absorbing energy from the world.]

{At least it's not stealing from Shuai's soul. It's so slow though, could we feed it some energy?}

[Yes. However, I don't have a large amount to spare.]

{Even a bit is fine. Please start right away, Seventh.}

[As you say, Administrator.]

~~~The Villain, Song Min, Sen Shuai

Ever since Song Min had scolded the boy for calling out his given name, something very improper for a mere servant, the little servant thing seemed to be moping. Always sighing loudly and moving much more slowly in his tasks. He rarely hummed lately. Song Min tried to ignore it, but he found himself missing the cheerful atmosphere.

The little servant had brought in clean bedding when he suddenly dumped the bundle in his arms and started yelling.

"You always call me servant this, servant that. I have a name! It's...." The things face contorted in a look of extreme disgust to such a degree Song Min couldn't help but sit farther back in his chair, away from the crazed servant.

"I hate this name! I have no name!" The boy yelled loudly, turned and fled from the room.

What just happened? What a weird little thing.

He could hear doors slamming. Fast, heavy footsteps echoed through the hall as the servant hastily ran outside. Song Min caught a flash of movement out the window. 

So he ran all the way to the garden?

Song Min returned his attention to the papers on his desk.  A short time later the sound of thunder crackling overhead caused his hand to pause midsentence. He was facing the wide window in his room that gave him a full view of the back garden to the surrounding woods. He was well aware that the little thing hadn't returned. It wasn't much longer till darkness fell, and a storm was rolling in. 

The little thing wouldn't stay out in the storm....would he... surely he wasn't so dumb.

The image of that ridiculous face he had made when he was about to say his own name flashed through Song Min's mind.

Maybe he is that dumb.  

Song Min's brow furrowed slightly. He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts and continued to work. A nearby crack of thunder brought his eyes up searching through the window for a certain figure.

Annoyed at his concentration being disrupted he slammed down his pen, stood up, put on his coat and shoes. He paused to considered if he might need an umbrella. Then looked over a few hats. Eventually, he left his room slowly for a walk toward the garden holding a waxed paper umbrella in one hand.

He walked around the entire garden without seeing the little thing anywhere. Letting out a heavy sigh, he started off toward the woods. There were paths through these woods to many other Courtyards belonging to the other youths training in this area. Song Min normally avoided the forest paths.

As he entered the edge of the woods, he heard soft sobbing noises nearby. The little thing was crying? He felt uncomfortable and looked back toward his rooms. When he turned back toward the sound his eyes met the little servent's red-rimmed gaze. 

No going back now I suppose. 

"Uh, there-there I won't call you servant or the name you hate." He awkwardly consoled, frowning slightly.

"I hate the name I have but I can't use the name I want. I don't care anymore call me anything." The little thing pouted and sniffled.

"Tell me the name you want." Song Min said firmly.

Determination filled the little thing's watery eyes. "I want to be called Jia," he boldly stated.

Shock, then rage filled Song Min. That name he dreams of.  In an instant, he was beside the boy.

Is this some new tactic? Is this little servant getting close to me for some scheme after all?

"Where have you heard that name!" His fingers dug into the boy's small shoulders. Song Min saw him wince from the pressure but he didn't care at all. "You have no right to that name."

"I have every right! It's my name! You can't take it away!" The boy yelled in his face, shoving Song Min back with a strength that surprised him.

The thing ran away again.

This time Song Min didn't pay any attention to the boy and moved to return to his own room. While he was distracted by his inner turmoil, a group of teens around his age approached. They were other talented youths that trained with the same masters in this village. 

A/N Sen Jia is losing his patience... maybe just getting thirsty. (¬‿¬)

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