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I wake up in yoongis bed alone. How did I get here? I sit up and rub my eyes. The door opens. Yoongi walks in.

"Hey." He greets.

"Hi. How did I get in your bed?" I question.

"You had a nightmare." He lays back down.

"And you snuck into my bed." He says turning his head to look at me.

I lay back down.

"Oh Yeah. Sorry." I apologize.

"It's fine." He says.

I move closer to him.

"Thank you for letting me sleep with you last night." I thank him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"You're welcome." He says.

"Mr. Kim's coming soon with our breakfast." He adds.

"Okay." I rest my head on his chest.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asks.

"This would be nice." I close my eyes.

"You got comfortable around me." He states.

"I haven't done this is 6 years." I mumble.

The door opens. Mr. Kim comes in with seokjin, Carrying our trays of food. I let go of Yoongi and go back over to my bed. Seokjin leaves but Mr. Kim closes the door.

"So last night. The door was locked and Jimin was in your bed." He starts to lecture.

"Jimin had a nightmare." Yoongi explains.

"About you're uncle?" Mr. Kim asks.

I nod.

"Okay well I hope you feel better Jimin." He says before walking out of the door. .

"Thanks." I look at my food.

"Jimin." Yoongi starts stuffing food into his mouth.

"Yeah." I mutter wondering how he doesn't think of every calorie he eats.

"Eat." He suggests.

"But it's just so many calories." I argue.

"Jimin." He says in a lecture tone.

"I'm trying." I whine.

He stands up and walks over to my bed, sitting down across from me.

"Yoongi?" I ask.

He picks up my spoon and picks up some of my oatmeal.

"Open." He demands.

I shake my head.

"3 days since you eat two bites of a sandwich." He says.

"And?" I ask.

"Open." He demands again.

"No." I cross my arms.

"Jimin." He threatens.

"No." I look down.

"Jimin." He sets the spoon down.

"No." I sass.

"We'll stay like this for as long as it takes." He decides.

"You're so stubborn." I mumble.

"So are you." He says.

"Okay." I look back at him.

"Eat." He insists as he picks up the spoon again.

"No." I argue.

"Eat." He insists.

"No." I argue.

"Just eat the fucking oatmeal!" He yells  as he slams the spoon down.

I feel tears fighting their way out of my eyes.

"Jimin I'm sorry." He apologizes.

I wipe my tears on my sweatshirt.

"Jimin please." He begs.

"Just leave me alone." I mumble as I lay back and cry Into my bear.

"Okay just please eat." He gets up and goes over to his bed.

He yelled at me.

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