Chapter 2: Explosions

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Since the second you walked into the class and took your seat, you couldn't help but to feel watched from all directions, yet everyone's heads remained fixed on the teacher. Lousy teacher by the way. He were a man dressed not so professional, baggy black clothing and worn out combat boots that were grey, even though they used to be black as the night sky. To be honest, it looked as if the man was a homeless pothead, half lidded bloodshot eyes. Not to forget his pasty white skin, slouched posture and very unkempt facial hair with long flowing black hair. Yeah, you knew who he was. Eraser Head. His quirk was named Erasure, to cancel out other quirks as long as he had direct eye contact. You've met him a few times over the years since your father had connections. So far... It sounded like the teacher was your only friend.

"Despite our little interruption," Aizawa sighed, shooting you a half lived glare. "You all are going to show me your quirks out on the field cause I have prepared a series of tests. Fail them... And I'll kick you out of my class," everyone gasped, some jumped from their seats in a panic or spat madness. Then there was you, frozen in thought...

I didn't even pass the Entrance Exam! I was accepted because I got a Recommendation from another Pro Hero, just one. There's no way I can pass Aizawa's tests. Wait... If I got accepted because one Pro Hero wanted me here, was it because of EraserHead? Maybe I do have some hope after all.

"Go change into your school provided gym uniforms and meet up with me out on the field in the school grounds," instantly, your teacher yawned. He curled up within a large puffy sleeping bag like a caterpillar rolled out upon the floor behind his desk. It left everyone in a state of shock.

Your classmates stood up from their desks one by one, filing out of the room to the locker rooms. "I came here to be a hero. Not to be teached by a loser," Bakugo spoke out against Mr. Aizawa. You debated on whether to comment back saying you agreed completely. In the end, deciding that it'd be the wise decision to keep your mouth shut and let the classmates come to you. After all, that's how you've lived life until now. Someone's bound to talk to you eventually... Right?

You finally stood up from your desk, careful to push in your seat without a noise to be made. The boy in front of you had the same idea and got up there after. The blonde spun on his heel, facing you head on. "How the hell did you get accepted here?" Bakugo growled.

"W-what?" You stuttered backing away by a few steps.

"That's why!" Bakugo motioned towards you. "Coming in late on the first day, stuttering at the beginning of each sentence, I can tell you don't want to become a hero," you choked Aizawa heard the commotion, popping his head out from behind his desk.

"T-that's not true," you whimpered. "I was late because I had no ride to school. And I don't stutter all the time..." You sighed, gazing down at the floor like an instinct.

"Well... Why do you want to become a hero?" Bakugo hunched over forcing you to look at him. He saw right through you, how you were gazing at the floor to avoid eye contact.

"I-I'm..." You had to stop and think... No answers. "I'm not so sure anymore..."

"Wow..." Bakugo scrunched up his nose with disgust and bared his teeth. "You should really get your shit together," Bakugo turned away without another word.

"Oh yeah? I'll be a better hero than you'll ever be..." Bakugo ignored you. Just for your heart to sink and a tear to burn at the corner of your eye. Aizawa stepped up from his desk, realizing what he's now responsible for.

"Don't get yourself all worked up over Bakugo (Y/n)," the Teacher stepped before you while you wiped away your tears. "Bakugo did bring up some valid points though..." Aizawa sighed, resting a hand on your shoulder. "Why do you want to become a hero (Y/n)?" Silence. "You don't have to tell me, but all hero's have ambition..."

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