The Run

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So we are in the helicopter, but we can't go the GSF headquartes, where everything is. It must be on fire by now. They took us an underground facility where we made our last meeting ever.

As always another guy is here with us.

Saey is very nervous and I am just.... I just want this to be over.

The guy in the suit

"We are going to take you to the GSF headquarters"

"WHAT?" I asked.

"Are you serious, to do what?" Saey said.

The guy answered.

"It is the only way"

I still couldn't believe what I heard. That was the one place we specifically need to avoid.

"That's suicide." I said

"We are already dead" Saey said.

"No I mean dead dead, physicially dead."

The guy

"We have a plan"


"Don't say the omega plan."

"What's the omega plan?" I asked.

The guy

"It is the omega plan. There is no other way."

"What's the omega plan?" I asked again.

Saey answered

"Deletion and retraction."

"So we delete everything we did and we disappear? Sounds good!" I said innocently. I thought they would give up after this.


"Not exactly."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are wrong about the deletion part."

"We don't delete everything we did? Then how are we supposed to...?"

Saey interrupted me

"Not the things we did.."

"What?" I said in a very confused way.

"Oh boy, you are not gonna like this."

The guy

"We delete everything else."

I froze, they still wouldn't give up, I didn't know what to say and the guy kept talking.

"If we delete everything else, there will be one thing left and that will be "the system". They'll hate you but they can never undone what you have done. Then.. you disappear."

"How are we even gonna do something like this?" I asked.


"We were ready for anything, we didn't wanna do this but we created a virus that will delete everything in the world's governance system and it can only be done with the computer in the GSF headquarters, that's why we need to go down there."

"But if we delete everything, I mean... don't they need those stuff?" I was afraid of what they could do, I couldn't even speak properly.


"The virus will have a back up system, If they need it they can have it, If they decide to use the system"

"So we lied to the entire world and now we want to blackmail them?"

The guy

"There is no other way. This will solve everything, it will protect the things you did, and then you can finally go home."


"What do you think Gleb?"

"I.. I can't believe this. Can't we just...?"

"No, Gleb , you know if we run away now, they will hate us and undo everything we do, because we will be traitors, but if we do this, they will have to start using the system even if that starts unwillingly, there might be a chance. It will be years before they come up with a new governance system, In the meantime they will realise why it works, and they'll agree to use it, maybe with couple of adjustments but everything we did, won't go to waste."

I ... I don't know what to do. All I want is the second part of the plan , I wanna go home, I wanna disappear. And I don't have anything to lose. I know how Kelvin thinks through everything, every single contingency, If they say this is the only way, believe me this is the only way. I might not agree all the things they have done, with all those killings and stuff, but I know they do anything to make the world a better place.


"Are you in?"

"Do I have a better choice?" I asked.

"No, not really" said Saey. But the look on his face, he was very nervous and it is obvious that he was unwilling to do this either.

That can only mean one thing, there is really no other way.

"I am in" I said.

The guy

"Alright, we have to get you to the GSF headquarters, which is a mission impossible. And then you will plug this USB flash drive, to the main computer and that's it."

"Then what?" I asked

"Then it ends!"

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