i m s o h a p p y

7 1 1

so basically i'm meeting 2 of my internet best

friends within the space of 6 months, i'm

meeting caitlin (thisisbangtanstyle ) in exactly

47 days (october 26th 2018) and i'm meeting

alina (i don't know what her wattpad name is)

in exactly 136 days (january 20th 2019), i'm

meeting alina at a concert, she's flying

from where she lives to london and we're

going to see bronnie together, we have meet

and greet tickets for the concert so that's dope.

and i'm meeting caitlin at her school, i'm (my

mum) is gonna drive up to where she lives/

her school and i'm gonna meet her there and

i'm staying round her house for 4 days ish.

i'm so happy omg idjfjdjdjdj

(she doesn't live in her school)

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