Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Lauren's POV:


I groan at this noise. I swear the inventor of the alarm clock has a messed up mind. Who would even think of inventing a thing that wakes you up from the wonderful land of dream land. I turn to my other side and turn off the evil thing.

"School" Is the first thing that comes out of my mouth sadly. Yes, it's true I have to go to dreaded school. After I found out that Axel was my cousin or 'twin cousin' as Axel and I now word it. I still laugh at that. Anyway, when we told everyone that were cousins, everyone was in shock for about 5 minutes. No one had it coming. Hell! I didn't even have it coming and the way Axel reacted when he found out I bet he didn't have it coming either. So since that day I've been on a shopping trip with Jess, Kaitlyn, and Elizabeth and let's just say my feet are still hurting. I don't know how they do it. But the bastards named Shawn and Axel got to stay at home playing video games. I wish I was with them I soo could've beat them.

I hear a vibrate come from my left and see I got a message

'Have fun on your first day of school, beautiful -S' I blushed at this. Shawn has been saying things like beautiful, princess, kitten to me all the time and it still makes me blush.

'That is very unlikely college boy -L' I reply back. It's so unfair. Shawn already graduated. I never understood how he graduated but Axel and Jess didn't. Their also starting senior year today. I never questioned why they aren't graduated and their a year behind like me, Kaitlyn, Elizabeth and the rest of my grade. Hm maybe they had the same situation we did. Who knows.

'Well then make it fun ;) but NO boys! >:( -S' thats another thing. Shawn has been wayy over protective with boys like he gets mad when a guy just walks past me. Ugh. I never understand boys.

'I'll have sex with every boy in the school in the janitors closet just for you -L' Hey! I might not understand them, but I do know that it is fun to mess with them. I quickly look at the time and curse under my breath. 'Sorry I gotta go get ready Bye! -L'

As soon as I pressed sent, I jumped out of my bed and ran into the bathroom across the hall. I do my bathroom business. I shouldn't have to tell you what that is y'all know what you do in the bathroom. I run back into my room when I'm done with the bathroom and grab clothes. I decided on wearing a pair of dark wash jean skinny jeans, a white plain t- shirt, my bra and underwear, and all black hightops. I brush my hair and put it in a high ponytail. I don't even bother with the mirror. I grab my phone and my backpack and rush down the stairs. I see I have 5 minutes until I have to leave for the bus. I quickly eat a bowl of coca puffs and run out the door after putting the bowl in the sink. I walk around the block to where my bus stop is and when I arrive, I put my headphones in. I love my headphones, they make an awkward silence less awkward. At my bus stop, it's full of awkward silence with everyone ignoring each other. It's the same on the bus, just a bus full of silence.

When the bus arrives probably a minute after I arrived, I step onto the bus and take a seat in the back. I finally arrive at school 20 minutes later and then actually get off the bus 5 minutes later. I swear I think my whole bus and 75% of my school are zombies in disguise. They are that slow. I start walking to my locker which is locker 233 and start putting in my combo. When I get my locker finally opened after the 20th try, someone slams it shut. Well thank you very much. I say in my mind. I look up to see who oh so nicely slammed my locker and purposely trying to give me a broken hand. When I see who it is, I groan and roll my eyes.

"You know attention whore, I really hoped you wouldn't have come to school after your so called 'accident'" Maria says putting air quotes around the word accident. I cringed. I really didn't want anyone to know about that, but somehow Maria found out.

"Well. I wasn't gonna show up, but then I thought that I wouldn't get to see you 'beautiful' face this early in the morning" I say putting air quotes around beautiful. I really didn't know where that confidence was. I was shocked and so was everyone else. Hm we now have a crowd of people surrounding us. When did this happen? I looked at Maria and she was fuming with anger. I swear I saw smoke come out of her ears. When she picked her hand up about to slap me. I heard a growl. I really loud animal like growl. But when I saw familiar black hair coming towards us I gasped.

"Don't you even think about touching my cousin or I will rip your head off before you get the chance to touch her." I can't believe Axel is here! Wait so where's Jess? As soon as I thought that, I saw her come in after him, trying to calm Axel down. Maybe she actually had that type of affect on him. Maybe that's what 2 years of being together does to you. Axel looks a little calmer but not that much. He's still glaring at Maria, who looks like she's about to piss her pants. Me, along with everyone else in the crowd is starring at the scene in wide eyes. "Do I make myself clear" He says to Maria, she doesn't respond. "I said. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear" He says to her slowly. She nods rapidly and runs away. Hey I would too, Axel looks really scary, if looks can kill, Maria would be in the earth's inner core right about now. Yeah. That scary. Jess finally is able to get him to calm down and the crowd starts to disperse. Axel turns to me and starts walking towards me. I'm scared to death right now. I would've ran like Maria, but my feet were glued to the ground. He stops right in front of me and says "Are you alright?" I look at him, trying to stop my shaking but failed miserably.

"I-I'm f-fine" I stutter out. I feel bad because his eyes soften and he looks upset and mad. But like mad at himself.

"I'm sorry" He sighs "I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to protect you" I smile a small smile and hug him. It was a very weird hug, because I don't really hug people. Maybe I should start learning how to hug people. Hm I wonder if they have a book on hugging people, I would need that. He starts laughing and I pull away

"Sorry, I don't really hug people all that much. I guess I need to learn how to hug before I go around hugging people" I say. I hear a small 'aw' come out of Jess' mouth and then she starts giggling. Axel turns to her and his eyes bright up at the sound of her giggling. Their so cute together. Before I could stop myself, I say "You gu-" I get cut off when I literally get tackled to the ground. Great. Just my luck.

"LAUREN!! WE HEARD WHAT HAPPENED WITH MARIA. OH MY GODDD." Kaitlyn all but screams in my ear. Ow. I think I went deaf now. I cringe "Oops! sorry!" She says while getting up and offering her hand to help me, which I take. Yeaaa maybe the thinnest person in the world shouldn't try to pick me up. I barely budged when she tried. We both started laughing and I get up by myself. She looks at Axel and smiles. I swear I saw Jess get pissed at that. "That was awesome what you did to Maria. Finally someone taught her a lesson." Axel just nods, putting his arm around Jess' waist calming her instantly. "Maria has been bullying Lauren ever since she was a kid and you're probably the only one that got her to stop. Liz and I tried, but it never worked." I glared at her for this. I didn't want them knowing.

"Wait she's been doing this ever since you were a kid?" Axel says looking at me and I nod. "Do you know why?" I just shake my head no. "Well, I guess were gonna have to find out why then" I look at him and smile which he returns. But then I remember a question I've been curious about since I saw them.

"Wait. So why are you guys here? Don't you go to a different school or something?" Axel shakes his head

"Well we used to, but they closed it for no reason what so ever" Axel responds and I give him a curious glance

"So why isn't they rest of your school here with you?" I question and he gives me a confusing look and motions to the rest of the hall. I look around and saying all these unfamiliar faces. How didn't I see them before? "Oh." Is my only response. Everyone laughs at my response and I just glare at them.

"So Lauren what's your first class?"Jess asks. I look down at my schedule and grimace

"Science with Mr. Samuels" I look back up at my friends and see them smiling. Well, this is creepy.

"Us too" They all respond in unison. Yea, this got really creepy...

Well first period should be interesting...

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