Vee x Reader ~ Dollmaker

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You were walking through Luna Hallows curious of what new creatures you could find. Every time you came to this twilight lit forest, you always found something new. The purple night sky was covered in stars and the trees were swaying calmly with the leaves hanging from their branches. Some covered in purple, others in blue or red, and the natural green. It was a beautiful sight.

Wandering farther than before, you saw a small house in the distance. It was made of wood and it seemed old. Curiosity got the best of you, so you went towards it. When you approached the door, you decided to knock. It's not like anyone lives here anyway.

You were wrong. The door opened, yet no one stood there. You decided to walk in. Inside it was dark and seemed empty. When you looked to your left, you saw a doorway with light coming from it. You walked towards it and peeked inside. In there sat a young boy who looked about 19. You only saw the back of him so you were unable to see his face. He had brown messy hair and pale skin. You were unsure what he was doing, but he sat in a rocking chair that was old and weathered. You were unsure of what to do, so you spoke up shyly. "U-um.. excuse me.."

The boy jolted and stood up abruptly. He turned to see where the voice came from. Now you could see what he looked like. He had buttons for eyes and stitches along his mouth. He wore a tattered brown sweater with a black scarf and ripped jeans along with black converses. His hands, arms, neck, and legs were covered in scars and stitches. Personally, you thought he looked like a puppet. You smiled awkwardly hoping you didn't scare him too much. "Hi?..."

The boy was shaking nervously seeming afraid of you. "H-h-how did you f-find me?"

You rubbed the back of your neck apologetically realizing that you entered without permission. How stupid could you possibly be! Ah well.. at least you knocked first.

"Oh yeah.. about that.. I was just wandering around the forest and I ended up here. Don't worry! I knocked first... but either way it was rude of me."

You looked down at your feet in disappointment. The boy held his hand out for you to shake. You looked at his hand and shook it. "N-no no. It's alright. M-my name is Vee."

"My name is (Y/N). Sorry for coming uninvited."

He shook his head. "It's fine really! It's nice t-to have some company."

You looked around seeing that he had hand-stitched dolls. He must've made them. And you have to admit, they were very good. "Do you make dolls?"

Vee raised his eyebrows and looked back at the pile of dolls he made. When he turned back, his face was flushed pink in what seemed to be embarrassment. "I know. I'm weird."

"No no! That's really good! You have such an amazing and creative talent!" He looked at you in disbelief as you smiled brightly. Vee shrugged and scratched his neck.

"Y-you can stay around if you'd like.. but you probably want to leave..."

"What why?"

"...because I look like a monster. When someone comes here, they don't want to come back. They never do."

You felt your heart break. How could anyone think Vee is a monster! He seems so kind and sweet. "I don't think you're a monster."

His eyes widened but he shook his head smiling. Vee's smile wasn't happy at all. The stitches near his mouth stretched open. "Who wouldn't think I am. Look around. Dolls everywhere. Then look at me. Stitches.. scars.. buttons for eyes... I'm a doll myself."

"But I think that's unique."

"Unique?" He seemed unsure of what you meant. You smiled nodding your head.

"Yeah! I mean, no mystic looks like that!"

You noticed him blush a little by what you were saying. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. You walked over to a doll and held it up close. "I like this one."

"Y-you can keep it, if you w-want."

Your (E/C) eyes sparkled with joy. "Really!!"

His blush became brighter. "Y-Yea.."

You hugged him thanking him over and over. Vee tensed from the sudden contact. When you released the hug, his face was very red. You giggled thinking it was cute. He walked over to his chair and picked up the unfinished doll he was making. You sat down in front of him as he sat on the floor. Vee picked up a needle that had been wrapped with a cloth with a 'V' and a 'T' on it. He picked up some thread beside him and looped it through the needle with ease. You watched curiously as he began to stitch the doll's arm to its body. The doll he was making had blond hair that was made from yarn with blue button eyes and a light pink dress.

"That looks amazing Vee!"

He smiled. This time, it was a happy smile. "T-Thank you, (Y/N)."

After a few minutes, he finished the doll. He held it up to examine it looking for any mistakes. Vee seemed satisfied after scanning carefully. "It's d-done."

You clapped approvingly beaming brightly. "It's perfect!"

He took out a tag and a used pencil that was obviously hand crafted. "What should we name her?"

You sat there wondering and thinking what the little doll's name should be. "How about....... (D/N)!"

Vee smiled at your choice. "(D/N)... I love it!"

He wrote the name you chose on the tag and tied a ribbon that was attached to the tag on the doll's arm. Vee stood up and placed his hard work on a shelf. You both looked at each other. He embraced you into a hug tightly, "Thank you (Y/N)!"

You hugged him back. "Your welcome Vee!"


You and Vee were best friends ever since the first day you two met. And over that time, you had gained feelings for him, but you were sure he didn't feel the same. So you kept your emotions to yourself in fear of ruining your friendship. He asked you to meet him at his house at 7, so that's how you ended up walking through the dark moonlit forest. When you arrived, you knocked on the door gently. For once, Vee was the one to answer the door. Normally, he would invite you in without standing near the door.

He hugged you tightly excited to see you. You returned the hug and broke apart from it. His face was a light shade of red, which made yours heat up. "H-hi (Y/N)! I h-have something to s-show you."

You nodded and walked inside. He was holding his hands behind him, so you were already suspicious. "Alright Vee What is it?"

His face was completely red. When he removed his hands from behind him, you were in shock. It was a doll. And it looked just like you! Every stitch was in place and he got all the details perfectly. You took it from his hands and squeezed the life out of the boy. "Thank you thank you thank you!! I love it Vee!"

"I-I'm glad! It took a while.. I hope I m-made it ok.."

You released the hug. "It's perfect Vee."

You looked down at the doll and it had a tag attached to it. Assuming it had your name written on it, you examined it. To you surprise, it instead had, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Your eyes widened. He must be serious since his face is as red as a stop sign. "I-if you don't it's fi-"

"YES!" You wrapped your arms around him. He sighed in relief that you didn't reject him. When you released the hug, he cupped you face kissing you gently. You kissed back of course. And you had no idea how soft his lips were especially since he had scars and stitches all over his body. When you two broke apart for air, you smiled at each other with bright red faces.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Vee."

OC Ship Oneshots And Preferences!! Yay....  ALSO REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt