Chapter 9: Poisoned with Banana

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Dedicating this chapter to my constant vote and comment person! They are the reason to my motivation to write! :3


And thanks to these people to help me correct my mistakes in order to make this story more refine and readable! ;)


 Love you all, even if you are a silent reader! :)


"Sally, did you cover the cake with chocolate syrup?" I giggle.

"Yes, boss!" Sally mock salutes me.

"Children, today we are going to share our lunch together as we discussed in class earlier before." the teacher says and the class echoes with 'yes'.

I nudge Sally in her stomach, she looks hesitantly at me for a moment but moves to her target. "Umm... Would you like to share lunch with me?" she smiles at him very, very fondly and innocently.

"Why not, sure Sally!" the brat turns to look at me and sticks out his tongue like I'd die eating lunch alone today.

Hah! stupid brat. He doesn't know where he has gotten himself into. MUWAHAHA!

To his amusement, I give him a sad smile.

Sally puts forward her lunch while brat does the same with his. Brat moves his hands towards Sally's lunch box.

He uncaps the lunch box and grins looking at the chocolate covered cake inside her lunch box.

He slowly scoops a bite into his mouth. And...


He takes another spoon full and soon he starts devouring the cake without a care in the world.

No effect? That wasn't supposed to happen!

"This is good Sally did you make it?" he asks Sally.

"No, my mommy makes me lunch."

"Your mommy is a good cook." he compliments.

This is weird. Why isn't it working? We spent 3 hours making this cake with the help of Sally's mother! It should work!

"It isn't entirely chocolate?"

he asks, tasting the contents in his mouth, slipping it from left to right.

Wow, the brat is too dumb to even notice his own weakness?

He suddenly stiffens.

"Is something wrong?" Sally asks him with concern.

"No... I... It's fine."

"Then have some more of it." she holds her lunch box to him.

"No... I think I am fine."

"You didn't actually like it." Sally pouts, watching him.

"No, no... It's just-" He cups his mouth with his hands and his eyes widen at Sally. "Was there banana in this cake?"

"I guess there was...." Sally's eyes also widen as she pretends to realize that he was actually allergic to bananas.

"Oh sorry, have this biscuit for the change of the taste." Sally hands him a biscuit after she digs it out of her small backpack. He takes it almost immediately and eats it in one bite.

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