Chapter 22

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- Diana -


I was at the breakfast table the next morning, eating a piece of toast and a cup of coffee. Still half asleep though, I layed my head on the kitchen table.

"Hey, are you alright?" A voice startled me as I immediately knew the voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine Ashton. Just tired." I sighed.

"Why don't you get some more sleep then?"

"Well I usually get up at 9am, I just don't know why I feel so tired this morning."

I watch him sit in the seat next to mine and smiles. "So are you and Luke together now?"

I feel my cheeks heat, as I shake my head. "Not really."

"What? Oh, I should shut up then." He chuckled.

"No, keep speaking." I tell him, smiling. "You're voice reminds me of the voice for the Outback commercials."

He laughs, making me laugh with him, because his laugh is really contagious. I just learned that two weeks ago.

"Why does everyone say that?" He is throwing a fit of giggles, making me giggle too.

"And your giggle sounds like a care bear." I chuckled, him playfully narrowing his eyes at me.

"I can laugh in a very manly way, Diana never doubt me." He spoke seriously, holding back his laughter.

"Oh really?" I raise my eyebrows disbelievingly.

"Yes, really." He says, then laughs in a deeper voice.

I was back to laughing hysterically, because it sounded so ridiculous as he smiled.

"Your laugh, is probably the best thing I've ever heard, ever." He smiled. "I can't get tired of it."

"Ashton." I groaned, realizing we got sidetracked. The main thing we were talking about was Luke.

"Well I can't say anything about it so you'll have to wait until Luke tells you."

"Tells me what?"

"He really, really likes you Diana. You actually kind of changed him. In a good way. Well, you changed us in a good way."

"What do you mean?" I murmered, sipping from my coffee and stopping immediately because it slightly burned my tongue.

"Luke was kind of lost, before he met you. Like he felt that he couldn't find who he really was so that's why he'd listen to the other boys when they used to think differently about you. The thing is, he didn't feel sorry for you just 'cause you were sick. He fell for you before the truth about your sickness even came. And me, Diana.. I knew you were different ever since the start and I accepted it. Everyone back then seemed to just always fail me and let me down, and my only happiness was Luke, Cal, and Mike, plus my mum, my brother, my sister.. And now, you. Diana you never let me down. You actually lifted me higher, and that's why you're my best friend. I.." There were tears in his eyes.

"I said this to Luke, and I'll say it to you okay." I whispered, looking him in the eyes. "I'm not going to leave you boys, or my family. Ashton, all you have to do is talk to me like always. And I will listen to you." I smile weakly, bringing my thumb towards his tear stained cheeks as I wipe them away.

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