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"And don't you dare say you heard nothing, because we both know that bullshitting will get you nowhere," he stated surprisingly calm. I had expected him to be yelling, or at least giving me a dirty look but all he did was perch himself on the coffee table so he would be facing me. 

He's right. There is no point in lying... "Is this the same Dave from your sketch book? The one you three were uttering about?" 

There was silence as he bowed his head and toyed with the single silver ring on his middle finger. "Yes. Yes it was." 

"Why are you so calm about all this? I just heard you talking about people being murdered and you're acting so relaxed and seem untroubled by this whole situation. What the hell is going on, Harry?" My voice went up several decibels without my intention. 

"Would you rather having me yelling at your face or being civil?" I replied with the latter as he nodded his head which he seemed to be doing a whole lot. I didn't know what to expect from Harry, was he a mass murderer or worked for some secret facility that nobody knew of? "I can't tell you." 

"Can't tell me what?" I spat.

He sighed loudly, "You're so damn nosey." 

"Are you a murderer?" 

The shock in his face was prominent as he shook his head, "No. No way, I have never harmed a being in my life. And I do not intend to, if that's what you're getting at." 

"Then explain those drawings. Who's Dave, or Damien?"

"Damien is...was a friend—if you'd call it that."

"What happened to him?" 

"Nothing Cass. Nothing happened to him, just drop it. Everything's fine, just leave it," he stood from his position towing over me with his height. "Even if something did happen, I wouldn't tell you about it. This isn't any of your business so I suggest you butt out if you know what's good for you."

"Is that a threat?" I stood from my spot so I wouldn't feel as intimidated.

"It's a warning," his voice lowered and his eyes narrowed. His cheeks were flushed, which I knew he was angry. So much for being civil. 

"How dare you."

He scoffed, "How dare I? Are you kidding me? You're the one who decided to listen in on a conversation that you have no involvement in." He prodded my shoulder with his index finger, emphasising his point. "You are the one who is acting like the victim, and that you can always fix things. Well news flash Cassandra, you can't! Don't ruin your perfect princess life by getting involved with mine, you already know too much. You need to stay the hell out of my business. No even better yet, stay the hell away from me."

My stomach jolted at his words. I stepped back away from him, keeping my head hung low. How was I the victim? I slid my feet into my heels and turned back at Harry who had been gaping at me the whole time with his arms crossed. He hadn't moved from his position. 

"Perfect princess life?" I laughed. "You don't know shit, Harry." And with that I slammed the door and walked away from his flat. 



Shit, shit, shit. 

She's done it now, she's overdone it. If Luke and Michael hadn't showed up things wouldn't have gone to shit. I've told them, countless times, how dangerous it is for them to be here especially in this side of town. 

And they dare speak about him right when Cass was literally a wall away from us. 

I jumped at the blaring ring of my phone which was vibrating against the kitchen bench... Zayn. I held the phone to my ear, not bothering with a hello.

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