Chapter 14: "Solicitude"

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Papyrus tapped his phalanges on the table as he waited for you to begin talking.

You bit your lip slightly and took a deep breath.

"Honestly, it was just a dream." You assured him.


"When doesn't he look nervous?" You tried to convince him.

"QUITE OFTEN ACTUALLY," Papyrus grumbled in response.

He still wasn't buying your bluff, what could get him to believe you?

"I can assure you Sans hasn't threatened me since I met him." You let out a fake smile and nodded your head at him reassuringly.

Papyrus slammed his fist on the table in annoyance.

"WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME THE TRUTH?!" He asked angrily, his pinpricks were filled with rage.

You looked away from him and drank some coffee, you wished that he would just believe you.

Yeah, Sans did scare the living daylight out of you but that didn't mean Papyrus has the right to punish him for it.

In fact, Sans was following more of the rules than Papyrus was at this point.

You were supposed to be dead right now but both brothers has spared you for some reason.

"I am telling the truth," You assured Papyrus.

You thought back to the last time you saw Sans, he seemed so frustrated. It was almost like he was carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders.

"the whiskey should help with the pain," Sans' voice echoed through your head.

You remember how immediately after that he drank the liquor, does he have depression?

Maybe deep inside Sans is struggling with his emotions, that would explain a lot.

You frowned as you realized he went to a bar, that pretty much confirmed your suspicions.

You definitely couldn't confess to Papyrus now, you wanted Sans' life to get easier not harder.

Papyrus looked at you suspiciously but he just sighed and nodded slowly.


He drank some of his coffee and tapped one of his feet on the ground.

You looked over at the timer, ten minutes were left now.

You grabbed your mug and sat down onto the floor, you yawned and leaned against the cabinet doors.

"WELL, DID YOU HAVE ANY MORE NIGHTMARES?" Papyrus asked you with a tilt of his skull.

You shook your head, "I slept peacefully after I saw you last night." You blushed when you realized that came out wrong.

"I just mean after I talked to you and stuff," You added nervously.

Papyrus stayed silent as he played with a small bone attack he had summoned.

"Papyrus?" You looked over at him and he turned his gaze to you.


"How did you get your scar?" You asked as you looked at the crack in his eye socket.

He set his coffee cup down and felt the crack with his hand.

"WELL," he sighed and made eye contact with you.

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