shh so anyway..

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I felt numb, surely he was lying. Why would anyone think of this as a funny situation.

"what is wrong with you" i pushed Colton and ran towards the door.

"Carly please"

He sat down on the bed defeated as I ran out of the door, his face made me feel guilty but not guilty enough to stay. Who would make up something like that it doesn't even make sense, no normal human being would do something like that.

I ran down the stairs, the house was still empty when i walked out of the door.


A week had passed since i last saw Colton, i refuse to associate myself with a liar or anyone else for that matter, avoiding people was kind of my thing and always has been. I was an A* student when it came to avoiding that girl who would ultimately make me cry or that boy who would destroy my self confidence with one dirty look. Even Lauren had been rejected, through no fault of her own mind, i just wanted to be alone and apparently she didn't want that, she obviously didn't understand that because i can hear her voice downstairs. Crap.

Lauren barged into my room and in an unaturally high pitched voice shouted "WHAT THE HELL, where have you been Carly"


"shut up Carly, like oh my god"

"i'm just trying to explain"

"well don't"

I rolled my eyes as i pushed myself up from underneath the duvet as she continued to rant and rave about something someone i don't care about had done, but that's what being best friends is about, listening to their problems even if you don't really care about the problem itself. You listen because you're best friends and you know they would do they same for you.

"like oh my good god, right?" she looked at me for some sort of back up

"er yeah" i slowly nodded squinting

"i can't believe she would do that"

"yeah" i nodded trying to look as convincing as possible

"have you got something in your eye, why are you squinting"

Note to self: don't squint when trying to look convincing

"yeah" i said rubbing my eyes "that's better"

"you didn't listen did you" she said sitting down on the bed

"sorry, tell me again"

She tutted "Okay"
"So I was at this party a few days ago, which i tried inviting you to by the way.. if you're not going to answer the phone you might as well throw it away" she said rolling her eyes and flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder

"yeah about that"

"shh, so anyway I was at this party with Bradley and Colton and this dumb girl had the audacity to try and kiss Bradley"

"oh my, what happened"

"well if you actually listened you might know, anyway she tried kissing him and he pushed her away, as he did that i grabbed her ponytail and the next thing i know we've been thrown out of the party. And oh my god how boring is Colton he didn't even drink he was just sat in the corner like some kind of lost puppy, pretty sad to be honest. Now if you came with us he probably wouldn't of looked like that you know" she spoke at an alarmingly fast pace

She carried on about the night and i carried on listening because that's what best friends are for, right? i kind of zoned out and slipped back into my own little world nodding every so often.
The sound of Colton's name was enough to make my heart beat faster but it rapidly slowed down when i remembered his lies, I just don't understand why someone would do that.

Lauren left after a few hours, and even though i wanted to be left alone i felt lonely when she left. Sometimes you just need company no matter how much you may want to deny that company.

My phone snapped me out of my daze as it vibrated on the side table. The message was only four words long but those four short words were enough to make anyone break out into a cold sweat.


Short and sweet. I hope you're enjoying you're summer holidays.

Chloe xx

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