Having Fun with him

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I was getting a bit hungry but I can't really stop my self for shopping and shopping for stuff I was kinda born for that hahha.

"Do can we eat lunch first I'm so hungry"

"oh okay where do you want to eat?"

"you pick" i said

"okay then let's go to a chinese cuisine"

He held my wrist and dragged me to the cuisine where he told me. We entered the cuisine and ordered some food. I looked at the menu but really I want all of it. what to pick? i asked myself

" okay I will just order this and this" i said
"you really eat a lot" he said
"ne, but i don't get fat" i answered
 "oh" he said and faced his food again

*time skip*

Were done eating and I felt like a bit sleepy so I asked DO if I could go home> I went in his car because he ordered his driver to pick us up. I was feeling dizzy when I just rested my head in DO shoulder.

Do Kyungsoo's POV

I was shocked when he rested her head on my shoulder. So i just slowly put my hand on her shoulder and let her sleep on my shoulder but then my heart keeps on beating abnormally but I know that is hard to confess to a girl. I once been rejected when I first tried to court a girl named Jin Woo. We arrived at her apartment but I don't want to wake her up. I want to see her angelic face. But I know hyung will get angry at me. So i just carried her in a bridal style and carried her until we reached her aprtment. I knocked on their door and kai opened the door. He let me in their apartment so I just put jin hye down on the couch and made her sleep. Kai went to the kitchen to get some juice so I slowly kissed her forehead and went out of their apartment.

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