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This was my time to ask the question that was burning deep within me.

"Why can't I go near him and where was he?"

Suga was instantly taken aback by what I had asked but he sighed and whispered softly for only us to hear as the movie in the background was playing.

"He's been out and he's done something that you may not forgive him for. Just know that he loves you unconditionally. I'm sorry Crystal."


Crystal POV

I wanted the best for him, but I couldn't just let this go. I had to find out what Tae was doing behind my back and why the guys knew what he was doing.

Everyone was slowly getting mischievous which annoyed me because I felt like a puppy in a family of dogs. I was the underdog whilst everyone was on the same page.

"Hey, Tae," Suga grabbed a hold of my arm before I could say anything else until Taehyung looked over to see him holding onto me. He quickly pulled away giving me the 'You shouldn't have done that' look.

I knew that look all too well as I've seen multiple people give It to me. It's not my fault though, I think.

"Can I talk to you please?" I asked him whilst the rest of the boys just stared up at me, then to Tae, then back to me. I didn't care what they were looking at because I knew I had to find an answer out of Tae sooner than later as I had the bad feeling that you get when something will happen. I receive that feeling all too often.

"Of course" He replied instantly. Does he know? Is he going to tell me? As I walked him over to his room he opened the door allowing me to fill the room with my presence before he could follow me shortly adding his presence too.

He closed the door and stared down at me with a look I couldn't quite uncover. It seemed to me to be a look of worry and love. But you never know, he could always be hiding something. "What's wrong kitten?". I shivered under his tone and breath which put me in a trance. His voice filled with lust, wanting what I had wanted. I was stuck, wanting to devour every part of him but I knew I couldn't. I had to wait and to be patient. 

"What are you hiding and what have you done?".


Tae's POV

I waited in the car, wanting this to be over and done with.


2:53 PM


Only one minute until he arrives. I had studied his movements for most of the day, and soon enough, it led me here, exactly 46 seconds until he arrives. My men were in position with the hitman waiting in the master bedroom, also waiting for the arrival of the target.


21 seconds. The time I had been anticipating.



A car rolled up outside the house. It's show time. The man got out of the car and hurried inside, not giving the vehicle a second look. He slammed the door shut. That's all I could see.

I stared intently at the window, knowing it was only a matter of time before a gun would fire with an ear piercing yell.







Tae's POV Present Time

I stared down at her, surprised by her confidence and dominance in her voice. Although, she didn't seem that way in her body language. Slightly curved inwards. Head tilted down, eyes looking up. She was afraid.

"All you need to know is that you won't need to see your father anymore. He has gone away on a holiday, leaving you behind with nothing. Nothing but us."

A shaky breath managed to escape my mouth and mostly all I could feel was hatred. Hatred for her father, hatred for 'The Big Guns' and hatred for myself. I shouldn't have trusted him.

"What do you mean he left? He can't do that!". I felt bad for her. I hated lying but it was my only option. "You're lying". A mumble was slightly heard from her lips. It soon turned into a yell which was the beginning of a fight I would never be able to forget.

"You're Lying!" She slammed her hands balled into fists onto my chest, the whites of her knuckles prominently showing. "Stop leaving me to go off and do your own things whilst you then come home to act like nothing ever happened. Tell me the truth. Now!" Tears threatened to fall from his eye but he held it back. Be strong.

"I was out, trying to do something for you, trying to help you." I tried finding the courage to say that I tried to kill the man who had put me under all pressure to turn me evil, but the man caught was her father. Caught in a cold blood murder of 'The Big Guns'. He was framed by the man I trusted to end it all. To end all of her sufferings.

"Your father is in custody of cold-blooded murder of a man who had made me suffer. He made me want to just let everything die that had caused your hurtings. Including me. But as I was trying to murder this man, 'The Big Guns', he had made a whole set up to frame your father as the murder of 'TBGs'. He sacrificed himself, to make you suffer even more than what he has.

He controlled your father by making him drive your mother to murder herself, to make you feel like complete utter shit"

Everything, for her, was falling into place. For me, it was crumbling down into nothing. I let my guard down and the dam that I had built to hide everything had tumbled out. My tears, my sobs, everything.

"I was also under the influence of 'TBGs' so I was one of the reasons your mother ended it all. She knew I was supposed to murder her family, so she was a sacrifice and a peace offering, she gave herself to protect you. Your father hurt you to protect you. I know this all sounds crazy, and it really is, but believe me, I would never harm you. Now. I would never harm you... Now."

Her legs collapsed from under her, but I was quick enough to catch her. She fell to her knees as I did too. We cried together.

We embraced each other's warmth because we were all we had left.

I needed her and she needed me.


I'm back to writing my story and my goal is to finish this as quickly as possible.

I don't know how to end it so the end will probably be in the near future.

Thanks to those who've stuck around.

Thanks for reading.

- Sonny xx

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