Chapter 22

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_TintedSoul_ gave me the idea to have Merome call Mitch 'Daddy' and Jerome 'Papa'. Thank you, it's going to be SO much easier...


Jerome's POV

I dash inside the Motel 6 lobby and can feel my skin healing already. God, it hurt to be in the sun. I looked around and a few people were staring at me.

"What?" I asked, even though I knew what they were staring at. Everyone who was staring immediately went to doing something else and I let a laugh escape my lips. I began to observe that I was in a crappy hotel. Not even a motel, the name was just 'Motel 6'. I walked up to the lady at the front desk.

"Can I help you?" she politely asked and smiled.

"Yeah. Can I get a room?" I asked not-so-politely.

"How many nights?" I thought about it. I would need to change my location sometimes.

"Three nights." She nodded. I payed her and she gave me a pair of keys.

"Room 103." She said. I thanked her and began walking to my room.

"Number 99... 100... 101... 102..." I counted as I passed the doors. "Finally. Number 103." I inserted the key into the lock and slowly pushed the door open.

The walls were a deep gray, and the carpet was a dull red. A desk with a TV on it sat in one corner and a bed in the other. I looked to my left and saw a kitchen. On my right was a door I guessed led to the bathroom. I walk over to the bed and sit on it. It's pretty lumpy, but it'll do for a few nights.

I look and realize I haven't shut the door.

"Let's hope no one snuck in." I whisper jokingly to myself. I close the door and lock it.


I'm exhausted from running and all the craziness that happened last night. I lay down on the bed and, before I know it, I'm drifting off to sleep.

Ty's POV

"The sun's pretty high up in the sky now." I state as the three of us sit together to talk about how to get Jerome back. "He's pretty much a sitting duck in the day."

"True, but what would do if we found him?" Adam asks. I think before I respond.

"We'd wait until night, and kidnap him." I state bluntly.

"Kidnap?!" Adam exclaims. "We can't kidnap Jerome!"

"Well, how else are we going to get him to come back? Politely ask him to 'come with us'?!"

"Guys." Mitch finally speaks up. "I-I don't think we should kidnap him."

"Ha!" Adam taunts.

"Well then, what do we do?" I ask. Mitch shakes his head.

"I don't know. But... He might turn against us if we pose a threat." There was silence as we contemplated this new thought. A feminine voice came from down the hall that startled me.


"Yes, Merome?" Mitch replied. I can tell he was about to break into tears.

"I... I can't sleep." Merome stands in the hallway with her teddy bear swinging slowly in her left hand.

"Would you like me to stay with you until you fall asleep?" Mitch asks. Merome nods and they disappear down the hallway.

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