Chapter 15 - "If you ask it of me."

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The next morning, Gigi found herself outside her grandparents' room, staring at the wooden door. A maid passed by her and bobbed in respect. Gigi sent the girl a smile and went back to contemplating the door.

Taking in a deep breath, she knocked. There was the soft patter of footsteps and a second later the door was pulled open by one of her grandmother's servants. An older woman with gray hair pulled tightly back into a bun.

"Is my grandmother in there?" Gigi asked.

The woman gave a nod. "Yes, Lady Genevieve."

"Is she busy?"

The servant replied in the negative. When Gigi took a step forward, the servant drew the door back, allowing her entrance.

"She's in the drawing room, Lady," the servant said.

Gigi gave a small smile in thanks and made her way across to the open archway. Morning light splashed across the cream colored carpet and bounced off the soft tan and gold couch and matching arm chairs. The room smelled faintly of lilies. A scent Gigi now associated with her grandmother. Lady Brixton was at a narrow desk, writing away. When Gigi entered, she looked up. A curious expression drifted across her face.

"Genevieve," she said, "is there something you need?"

Gigi stood halfway between her grandmother and the door, as if she couldn't make up her mind on whether to come in or leave.

"Do you have a moment to talk?" she asked. "I understand if you are busy."

Lady Brixton set down her pen and rose.

"Not at all," she said, "I always have time for my granddaughter."

She gestured to the couch. Gigi took a seat beside her grandmother, shuffling through her thoughts and trying to put them in order.

"Now," her grandmother said, "what is on your mind?"

Gigi folded her hands on her lap, mimicking her grandmother's posture.

"Last night..." She paused as if unsure how to continue. Her grandmother made no sound and watched her intently. Gigi took in another breath, gathering up her strength and resolve. "Last night Sir Clay kissed me and proposed."

The words leapt out, as if it were their only means of making it out at all. Lady Brixton's face showed only the barest hint of surprise, in the pursing of her lips.

"Is that so? And your response?" She talked with an even tone, but there was an undercurrent of agitation in her voice.

"I declined his offer, as politely as I could. The whole thing was so sudden I do not know if I did it right or not. He took me by surprise and I was not expecting it. I can not be sure if I did it correctly or not." Gigi's words streamed out as if of their own accord.

Her grandmother raised a hand, damming up the stream. Her face was soft and the agitation had vanished at Gigi's answer.

"You were completely right to refuse him," she said.

A breath of relief slipped out of Gigi's lips.

"You have only known him a short six days," her grandmother said. "And besides, he is far below you in status. A marriage between the two of you would not be wise." She gave Gigi a short smile. "It would not be wise for you, though Sir Clay would stand to gain from the union."

Gigi made no reply, taking in this fact. A fact that she hadn't even thought of. Before she could form a response, her grandmother continued.

"If you are looking for someone suitable to marry I would look no lower than a Duke. Even then it is barely suitable. With your position those that are equal to you are very limited." The edge of Lady Brixton's mouth twitched as if holding in a secret. "One such gentleman that would be a fine match is your eighth cousin, Lord Davin."

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