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She's been paranoid these past few days. Constantly worrying someone will barge into her room. The man that ran away to tell on her powers, Katia to confront her about what she saw that night and soldiers to arrest her for stealing food. So many problems, so many issues she's in the mix of. Not to mention constantly thinking Arthur would be behind her door when she goes into her room. She's been upgraded but she often finds herself willingly cleaning floors and equipment. Anything to get her mind off of her constant worrying and thoughts. She works every minute, even missing meals now and then. It's unhealthy but she can survive without food more than most because of her poor background. The hunger came after her grandmother left of course. She grunts and brushes the floor vigorously at that bitter thought.

Stop thinking, stop thinking, stop thinking. 

"You should take a break" says the head, leaning against the doorway of the bathroom. Bell looks up from her work and brushes her hair away with the back of her wrist. 

"I'm fine"

"You don't have to work so much" she says, almost annoyed "You're good enough. We get it"

Bell just blinks at her and was about to say "who said I'm doing this for you?" but she backtracks, taking another route. 

"Awh, Did you just compliment me?" she smiles at her kindly  

The head is caught of guard. She huffs and walks away. Bell smiles as she goes back to scrubbing the floor. 

Like Erika said; 

"Kill them with kindness, Am I right?" 

After she finishes scrubbing the floors, to her absolute delight she nurses a couple of patients. She washes and changes bandages. The blood and the gore never bothered since she grew up around it. Constantly cleaning up blood and whatnot from the floor and the table. Her grandmother always used to clean it up herself so that young Bell doesn't have too but Bell did occasionally sneak in a helping hand now and then. She doesn't mind washing people either. When she dresses her patients or washes them, she does it with so much worry and compassion that it doesn't embarrass her at all. It's her comfort zone. Nursing people back to health. Sexually though? No way she'd be this comfortable. 

She walks over to a patient and says "shall we take a walk?" 

he winces "I don't know if I can-"

She pushes away the covers and grabs his arms, pulling him off the bed slowly. 

"Just a quick stroll" she says "You need to start moving again. Get strength back into you" 

They end up walking hand in hand, slow as a snail of course, out into the garden. It's a little cloudy and breezy. Nice for a walk. 

"I really just want to lie down" the man says 

She glances at him "yea I suppose you do" she says "but we have to walk, at least for 30 minutes... plus it's a lovely day-"

"It really isn't" he says grumpily. Bell almost laughs. She's holding half his weight as she wraps her arms around him. It almost reminds her of Richard and her that night. The way he helped her out. After walking for a while they switch to her right elbow locked into his left. 

John joins them at one point, walking by her side. 

"You and Simon are friends?" she asks the question that's been bugging on her mind for days.

"yea" he says 

"How do you know him?" 

"we've been friends for ages"

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