♢Chapter 35

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AN I'm apologizing in advance because it should have been up like three days ago. I'm pretty mad at myself for that. So 12814 reads and 539 votes, still doing good progress! Anyways enjoy and this chapter! Also please comment, I love reading all your comments(: Thanks for reading! -Sam<3



Greta looked to the ceiling like something was floating up there just above our heads. Letting curiosity get the best of me, I followed her gaze. There was nothing there of course, but when I went to look at her again, she was way closer than she had been before, which unnerved me greatly.

She looked at Henry, "Release her," she commanded, and I felt Henry's arms loosen around me, and then disappear altogether.

"Henry-, "I said, the words "don't let me go" forming on my lips then dying when I looked at him. His face was empty, and his eyes were two vacant glass windows.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and began shaking him. "Henry!" Henry!" I called into his face, but he gave no indication that he could hear me or even saw me.

"What did you do to him?" I snarled, my voice filled with venom. I looked towards Greta.

She patted down a piece of hair that had to escape her hairdo. "I just simply subdue him for a bit so we can do this without too much of a fuss."

I stopped shaking Henry and glared at Greta, trying with all my might to murder her with my eyes "Well this isn't making me want to do anything without a fuss. In fact, I'm ready to raise hell in five, four, three, two-"

"Raise all the hell you want, I wasn't talking about you causing a fuss I was talking about him," she said and indicated to Henry, "I'm not worried about you at all, you're just some little girl who can't fully graps her powers. But now I see that those powers are enough for what I have planned. Shirley! Hampton! Grab Henry and put him in a holding cell for a future date, but first put the magic inhibitor amulet on him."

I gritted my teeth together like I was going to let that happen! "Stay away from him!" I yelled and went to step between them. That's when I felt Greta's cold hand clamp around my right hand, and I was suddenly being dragged down the hallway and away from Henry. I of course immediately went to pull away from her, but I suddenly found I was unable to do so.

"Don't bother trying to fight me, I have you under a very light mind control, but the more you fight it, the heavier it will become. You have no chance against me, but you can still try to resist. How would you like to become my daughter again?" she asked, and I shuddered in repulsion. "Thought so," she said in reply to my shudder.

"Wait I didn't get to say goodbye!" I said as tears began to stream down my face. I had the feeling that I was never going to see Henry again, and I didn't want to part with him without a goodbye. Greta sighed heavy in annoyance, and I felt some control return to my body. I turned my head to look behind me. "Henry!" I screamed.

Henry's eyes came back into focus, but not before Shirley and Hampton had stepped forward and placed a green amulet around his neck, which glowed a bright red when it touched his skin.

"Violet," he yelled, his eyes widening with panic. Shirley and Hampton, with the assistance of the evil twins, began dragging him in the opposite direction, he started to struggle against them. "I'll come from you so just hang on!" he yelled, right before I was yanked around a corner, and my view of him was lost. I began to sob uncontrollably, even though I had promised myself I wasn't going to cry. I was just so sad and scared.

"You're a monster!" I said to the back of Greta's silver head after I had calmed down enough to speak again "I hope you know that!"

Greta scoffed, "Is that the best you can come up with dear? Please, I've heard much worse from people I've done much less to," we took a couple more steps. "Our destination is on the other side of the school, and it will take some time to get there, so how about I'll tell you a story, or more like so facts to pass the time?"

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